Monday, April 05, 2010
It's spring! Time to shake off that cabin fever and turn to thoughts of cyberart.
This month
Calling All Cyberartists
Moving Images Festival at Axiom
FIGMENT Call for Artists
Virtual Public Art
Xavier Le Roy at MIT
Get Connected at ATNE
California Dreaming: 01SJ
Barcelona Dreaming
7 on 7 in NYC
Calling All Cyberartists
The next Boston Cyberarts Festival is scheduled for April 22-May 8, 2011. Yes, we
know that seems like a long way in the future, but -- trust us -- the time goes
The 2011 Festival will be our seventh! Past Festivals have involved 50 or more organizations,
including museums, galleries, dance and music organizations, educational institutions,
and others.
There are lots of ways you can get involved. If you're an organization and are considering
an art-and-technology-related show for spring of 2011, we'd love to hear from you.
If you're a cyberartist but are not connected with a particular organization, we'll
see if we can help match you up with one. Click here []for
more information.
If you're a corporation and would like to talk about becoming a partner for the
next Festival, we'd love to hear from you too! Contact us at
[] .
If you're not any of the above but are just interested in the world of art and technology,
then mark your calendar for spring of 2011
Pictured: Children of Arcadia, winner of an IBM Merit Award at the 2009 Boston Cyberarts
Moving Images Festival at Axiom
During the month of April, our Axiom Center for New and Experimental Media is hosting
the New Media Curious Experimental Film and Video Festival.
Every Thursday evening starting April 8 will feature a different theme and artists.
On April 8, it's the 29th annual Black Maria Festival, known for its variety of
bold contemporary works. On April 15, INtransit, produced by media arts collective
AstroDime Transit Authority, looks at the history and representation of "American"
science within and without the United States, using the magazine Scientific American
as a framework. April 22 features work from the ATNE community. And the Festival
wraps up on April 29 with "What If? 60×60x60," an audience participatory experiment
in audio and video by media artist Gene Gort and composer/sound artist Ken Steen.
All screenings are at 7:30, at Axiom, 141 Green Street in Jamaica Plain. Tickets
are $10, or $8 for ATNE members, and you can click here []to
purchase tickets in advance. For more information, go to Axiom's website [].
FIGMENT Call for Artists
FIGMENT Boston is a free participatory and interactive art event sponsored by the
Cambridge Arts Counciland the Black Rock Arts Foundation.
The organizers are seeking artists of all kinds to join them in taking over Memorial
Drive for six hours on Saturday, June 5, in a celebration of participatory art.
The idea is to engage the audience and turn them from spectators into active participants
who are engaged with the artwork or performance.
This will be FIGMENT's first year in Boston. FIGMENT is going into its fourth year
in New York, on Governor's Island just off Manhattan.
The call for art is open until May 1 for both the Boston and New York events. Click
here []to
see the Call for Artists.
Virtual Public Art
The Virtual Public Art Project presents its inaugural exhibition, "Symmetry and
Growth," by U.S. artist Christopher Manzione. The exhibition of fourteen virtual
sculptures that merge with their physical environments are featured in prominent
public locations in eleven cities across North America, Europe, Australia and Asia.
"Symmetry and Growth" proposes contrary systems of origins and growth to viewers
who use their iPhone 3GS and Android phones to view the exhibition's virtual public
The Virtual Public Art Project (VPAP) is an Augmented Reality (AR) platform founded
in 2010 by Christopher Manzione for the public display of digital works of art.
Augmented reality is a view of the physical real-world environment merged with virtual
computer-generated imagery in real-time. VPAP merges the real-world physical environment
of public spaces around the world with site-specific virtual sculptures that can
only be viewed in-the-round using the iPhone 3GS and Android phones when one is
at the sculpture's real-world location.
Find out more at the VPAP website [].
Xavier Le Roy at MIT
The MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology always has exciting stuff going on,
but this spring is unusually intriguing.
You might remember French choreographer Xavier Le Roy's performance at the 2007
Boston Cyberarts Festival as part of our Ideas in Motion program. Well, Xavier
is now in residence at ACT to research an ongoing work entitled more floor pieces.
At MIT, he has been working with researchers and students to deepen a work conceived
as contemplative landscapes or tableaus. The performers, the situations they construct,
and the acts of contemplating, viewing, and attending the performance are the subjects
of this work.
More floor pieces will be performed on Saturday, April 24 at 7:00pm at the MIT Media
Lab Complex, 6th Floor, 75 Amherst Street, Cambridge. Click here []for
more information. And it's Free! (BTW, Xavier is also performing some other works
at the ICA this coming weekend -- check the ICA's website []
for info.)
You might also want to look into the Spring 2010 lecture series, called "The Theatrical.
The Performative. The Transformative." The series introduces key figures whose artistic
practice is situated at the intersection of performance art, avant garde dance,
and activist theater. Lectures take place on Monday evenings at the MIT Bartos
Theater, 20 Ames Street, Cambridge. For a complete listing, click here [].
Get Connected at ATNE
Art Technology New England invites you to join our growing online social network
and get connected to the art and tech community.
Be sure to join us on April 22 at Axiom []
for a screening of ATNE members' work, part of our month-long Moving Images Festival.
The deadline for submissions has passed, but you can still get involved by creating
a profile on the ATNE network website, uploading images and videos of your work,
posting your blogs, and telling us about yourself. ATNE will choose the three
most interesting profiles on the network to feature on the homepage, and will publicly
present you with a small prize at the ATNE film screening evening.
To join the social network and create your profile, go to
Not a member yet? ATNE provides a variety of programs like a job board, internship
placement program, a digital art lending program, artist residencies at high-tech
companies, and professional development workshops. And social events too! To find
out more about ATNE and to sign up for membership, go to []
California Dreaming: 01SJ
If you're planning a trip to California in September, be sure to make time to look
in on the Left Coast's cyberarts extravaganza, 01SJ. This will be the third biennial
01SJ Festival, produced by the organization ZER01and takes place from September
16-19 in San Jose. The 01SJ Biennial is a multi-disciplinary, medium agnostic contemporary
art festival that focuses on the nexus of art, technology and digital culture
Under the theme "Build Your Own World,"ZER01, in collaboration with dozens of partners,
will present over the course of four days hundreds of artworks, performances, events,
and artist talks, which not only imagine the future of the world but begin to build
it. It seeks to answer the question: How can we, as resourceful, innovative, and
knowledgeable local and global citizens build and participate in a desirable future
in the face of global climate change, economic meltdown, political instability,
and cultural divisiveness?
Curated by Artistic Director Steve Dietz, the 01SJ Biennial brings together a selection
of artwork that not only changes the way a city looks, but changes how it responds
to the behavior of a city's inhabitants
Visit their website []to
check out the events they have planned.
Pictured: Scott Kildall, Victoria Scott, Gifthorse
Barcelona Dreaming
Planning to be in Barcelona in April? Well, probably not ... but just in case,
we thought we'd pass along news about the fifth annual festival of electronic and
experimental music organized by the platform Störung. It starts on Wednesday, April
21 and includes four days of performances of international artists of the electronic
and experimental scene. Besides the performances, the festival includes a cycle
of conferences, a permanent screening of audiovisual works in the exhibition room,
and a full day dedicated exclusively to subaquatic sounds.
Visit the festival's website []for
more information.
Seven on Seven in NY
Seven on Seven pairs seven leading artists with seven game-changing technologists
in teams of two, and challenges them to develop something new -- be it an application,
social media, artwork, product, or whatever they imagine -- over the course of a
single day. The seven teams will unveil their ideas at a one-day event at the New
Museum in New York.
Seven on Seven is organized by Rhizome. It all happens on April 17, so if you're
planning to be in New York, check it out. For more information, visit Rhizome's
website [].
Thanks to our Sponsors!
Boston Cyberarts extends a special thanks to our many generous sponsors. We couldn't
do the work we do without you!
1330 Boylston
Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts
Art New England
Arts Boston
Cage & Pixelyze
Koundakjian & Co
LEF Foundation
Phoenix Media Communications Group
Tech Superpowers
The MathWorks
And many other generous institutions and individuals.
We would love to work with your company on upcoming Boston Cyberarts projects!
Please contact George Fifield at 617.524.2109 or email
[] for information on becoming a sponsor.
Contact us!
If you have cyber-events coming up that you think the Boston Cyberarts family would
be interested in, please send information and an image to
[]. We'll happily include your stuff if we get
it in time and if we have space.
For any other business, contact us at [].
Or, visit our website ... []
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Boston Cyberarts, Inc. | 9 Myrtle Street | Jamaica Plain | MA | 02130
This month
Calling All Cyberartists
Moving Images Festival at Axiom
FIGMENT Call for Artists
Virtual Public Art
Xavier Le Roy at MIT
Get Connected at ATNE
California Dreaming: 01SJ
Barcelona Dreaming
7 on 7 in NYC
Calling All Cyberartists
The next Boston Cyberarts Festival is scheduled for April 22-May 8, 2011. Yes, we
know that seems like a long way in the future, but -- trust us -- the time goes
The 2011 Festival will be our seventh! Past Festivals have involved 50 or more organizations,
including museums, galleries, dance and music organizations, educational institutions,
and others.
There are lots of ways you can get involved. If you're an organization and are considering
an art-and-technology-related show for spring of 2011, we'd love to hear from you.
If you're a cyberartist but are not connected with a particular organization, we'll
see if we can help match you up with one. Click here []for
more information.
If you're a corporation and would like to talk about becoming a partner for the
next Festival, we'd love to hear from you too! Contact us at
[] .
If you're not any of the above but are just interested in the world of art and technology,
then mark your calendar for spring of 2011
Pictured: Children of Arcadia, winner of an IBM Merit Award at the 2009 Boston Cyberarts
Moving Images Festival at Axiom
During the month of April, our Axiom Center for New and Experimental Media is hosting
the New Media Curious Experimental Film and Video Festival.
Every Thursday evening starting April 8 will feature a different theme and artists.
On April 8, it's the 29th annual Black Maria Festival, known for its variety of
bold contemporary works. On April 15, INtransit, produced by media arts collective
AstroDime Transit Authority, looks at the history and representation of "American"
science within and without the United States, using the magazine Scientific American
as a framework. April 22 features work from the ATNE community. And the Festival
wraps up on April 29 with "What If? 60×60x60," an audience participatory experiment
in audio and video by media artist Gene Gort and composer/sound artist Ken Steen.
All screenings are at 7:30, at Axiom, 141 Green Street in Jamaica Plain. Tickets
are $10, or $8 for ATNE members, and you can click here []to
purchase tickets in advance. For more information, go to Axiom's website [].
FIGMENT Call for Artists
FIGMENT Boston is a free participatory and interactive art event sponsored by the
Cambridge Arts Counciland the Black Rock Arts Foundation.
The organizers are seeking artists of all kinds to join them in taking over Memorial
Drive for six hours on Saturday, June 5, in a celebration of participatory art.
The idea is to engage the audience and turn them from spectators into active participants
who are engaged with the artwork or performance.
This will be FIGMENT's first year in Boston. FIGMENT is going into its fourth year
in New York, on Governor's Island just off Manhattan.
The call for art is open until May 1 for both the Boston and New York events. Click
here []to
see the Call for Artists.
Virtual Public Art
The Virtual Public Art Project presents its inaugural exhibition, "Symmetry and
Growth," by U.S. artist Christopher Manzione. The exhibition of fourteen virtual
sculptures that merge with their physical environments are featured in prominent
public locations in eleven cities across North America, Europe, Australia and Asia.
"Symmetry and Growth" proposes contrary systems of origins and growth to viewers
who use their iPhone 3GS and Android phones to view the exhibition's virtual public
The Virtual Public Art Project (VPAP) is an Augmented Reality (AR) platform founded
in 2010 by Christopher Manzione for the public display of digital works of art.
Augmented reality is a view of the physical real-world environment merged with virtual
computer-generated imagery in real-time. VPAP merges the real-world physical environment
of public spaces around the world with site-specific virtual sculptures that can
only be viewed in-the-round using the iPhone 3GS and Android phones when one is
at the sculpture's real-world location.
Find out more at the VPAP website [].
Xavier Le Roy at MIT
The MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology always has exciting stuff going on,
but this spring is unusually intriguing.
You might remember French choreographer Xavier Le Roy's performance at the 2007
Boston Cyberarts Festival as part of our Ideas in Motion program. Well, Xavier
is now in residence at ACT to research an ongoing work entitled more floor pieces.
At MIT, he has been working with researchers and students to deepen a work conceived
as contemplative landscapes or tableaus. The performers, the situations they construct,
and the acts of contemplating, viewing, and attending the performance are the subjects
of this work.
More floor pieces will be performed on Saturday, April 24 at 7:00pm at the MIT Media
Lab Complex, 6th Floor, 75 Amherst Street, Cambridge. Click here []for
more information. And it's Free! (BTW, Xavier is also performing some other works
at the ICA this coming weekend -- check the ICA's website []
for info.)
You might also want to look into the Spring 2010 lecture series, called "The Theatrical.
The Performative. The Transformative." The series introduces key figures whose artistic
practice is situated at the intersection of performance art, avant garde dance,
and activist theater. Lectures take place on Monday evenings at the MIT Bartos
Theater, 20 Ames Street, Cambridge. For a complete listing, click here [].
Get Connected at ATNE
Art Technology New England invites you to join our growing online social network
and get connected to the art and tech community.
Be sure to join us on April 22 at Axiom []
for a screening of ATNE members' work, part of our month-long Moving Images Festival.
The deadline for submissions has passed, but you can still get involved by creating
a profile on the ATNE network website, uploading images and videos of your work,
posting your blogs, and telling us about yourself. ATNE will choose the three
most interesting profiles on the network to feature on the homepage, and will publicly
present you with a small prize at the ATNE film screening evening.
To join the social network and create your profile, go to
Not a member yet? ATNE provides a variety of programs like a job board, internship
placement program, a digital art lending program, artist residencies at high-tech
companies, and professional development workshops. And social events too! To find
out more about ATNE and to sign up for membership, go to []
California Dreaming: 01SJ
If you're planning a trip to California in September, be sure to make time to look
in on the Left Coast's cyberarts extravaganza, 01SJ. This will be the third biennial
01SJ Festival, produced by the organization ZER01and takes place from September
16-19 in San Jose. The 01SJ Biennial is a multi-disciplinary, medium agnostic contemporary
art festival that focuses on the nexus of art, technology and digital culture
Under the theme "Build Your Own World,"ZER01, in collaboration with dozens of partners,
will present over the course of four days hundreds of artworks, performances, events,
and artist talks, which not only imagine the future of the world but begin to build
it. It seeks to answer the question: How can we, as resourceful, innovative, and
knowledgeable local and global citizens build and participate in a desirable future
in the face of global climate change, economic meltdown, political instability,
and cultural divisiveness?
Curated by Artistic Director Steve Dietz, the 01SJ Biennial brings together a selection
of artwork that not only changes the way a city looks, but changes how it responds
to the behavior of a city's inhabitants
Visit their website []to
check out the events they have planned.
Pictured: Scott Kildall, Victoria Scott, Gifthorse
Barcelona Dreaming
Planning to be in Barcelona in April? Well, probably not ... but just in case,
we thought we'd pass along news about the fifth annual festival of electronic and
experimental music organized by the platform Störung. It starts on Wednesday, April
21 and includes four days of performances of international artists of the electronic
and experimental scene. Besides the performances, the festival includes a cycle
of conferences, a permanent screening of audiovisual works in the exhibition room,
and a full day dedicated exclusively to subaquatic sounds.
Visit the festival's website []for
more information.
Seven on Seven in NY
Seven on Seven pairs seven leading artists with seven game-changing technologists
in teams of two, and challenges them to develop something new -- be it an application,
social media, artwork, product, or whatever they imagine -- over the course of a
single day. The seven teams will unveil their ideas at a one-day event at the New
Museum in New York.
Seven on Seven is organized by Rhizome. It all happens on April 17, so if you're
planning to be in New York, check it out. For more information, visit Rhizome's
website [].
Thanks to our Sponsors!
Boston Cyberarts extends a special thanks to our many generous sponsors. We couldn't
do the work we do without you!
1330 Boylston
Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts
Art New England
Arts Boston
Cage & Pixelyze
Koundakjian & Co
LEF Foundation
Phoenix Media Communications Group
Tech Superpowers
The MathWorks
And many other generous institutions and individuals.
We would love to work with your company on upcoming Boston Cyberarts projects!
Please contact George Fifield at 617.524.2109 or email
[] for information on becoming a sponsor.
Contact us!
If you have cyber-events coming up that you think the Boston Cyberarts family would
be interested in, please send information and an image to
[]. We'll happily include your stuff if we get
it in time and if we have space.
For any other business, contact us at [].
Or, visit our website ... []
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Constant Contact(R)
Boston Cyberarts, Inc. | 9 Myrtle Street | Jamaica Plain | MA | 02130
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.