Sunday, August 02, 2009
11th Annual
"Positively Roxbury"
Library Photography Display- 2009
Photographer, Celeste Sheffey's view of living in the
inner city neighborhood of Roxbury, MA!
Roxbury is more than just a crime statistic
but also contains beauty, historical value,
vibrant artists, viable businesses
and working families.
Month long Photography Display
Friday, October 2, 2009 - Thursday, October 30, 2009
Boston Public Library-Dudley Street Branch
65 Warren Street
Roxbury, Massachusetts 02119
Meet and Greet the Photographer!
Saturday, October 17th
12p to 4p
Light refreshments will be served.
Hours of Operation of the Dudley Street Branch Library:
Monday 12-8
Tuesday & Wednesday 10-6
Thursday 12-8
Friday & Saturday 9-5
"Positively Roxbury"
Library Photography Display- 2009
Photographer, Celeste Sheffey's view of living in the
inner city neighborhood of Roxbury, MA!
Roxbury is more than just a crime statistic
but also contains beauty, historical value,
vibrant artists, viable businesses
and working families.
Month long Photography Display
Friday, October 2, 2009 - Thursday, October 30, 2009
Boston Public Library-Dudley Street Branch
65 Warren Street
Roxbury, Massachusetts 02119
Meet and Greet the Photographer!
Saturday, October 17th
12p to 4p
Light refreshments will be served.
Hours of Operation of the Dudley Street Branch Library:
Monday 12-8
Tuesday & Wednesday 10-6
Thursday 12-8
Friday & Saturday 9-5
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.