Monday, June 15, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009, 6:00 to 8:00 pm, Water Purification Facility Front Door
Chip Norton, Cambridge Watershed Manager, will lead one of his popular walks through Cambridge-owned land in the upper watershed. This time we will explore property on Route 117 in Lincoln, and will hike the trail network between Twin Pond and Beaver Pond. This will be about a 3-mile hike. We will carpool from the Water Dept. parking lot, leaving promptly at 6 pm, or you can meet us at the parking lot on Rt. 117 at 6:30. RSVP!
These events are FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult. Please register for each event that you plan to attend. Important information on location and parking will be given to you when you register.
E-mail Elizabeth Wylde, events organizer at: friendsoffreshpond@yahoo.comor
Offered by Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation, June 2009
Chip Norton, Cambridge Watershed Manager, will lead one of his popular walks through Cambridge-owned land in the upper watershed. This time we will explore property on Route 117 in Lincoln, and will hike the trail network between Twin Pond and Beaver Pond. This will be about a 3-mile hike. We will carpool from the Water Dept. parking lot, leaving promptly at 6 pm, or you can meet us at the parking lot on Rt. 117 at 6:30. RSVP!
These events are FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult. Please register for each event that you plan to attend. Important information on location and parking will be given to you when you register.
E-mail Elizabeth Wylde, events organizer at: friendsoffreshpond@yahoo.comor
Offered by Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation, June 2009
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