Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Third Thursdays in Lynn
Ice sculpting
Fire Juggling
The lighting of the Downtown Christmas Tree
Caroling and holiday shopping at LynnArts
In the Square from 5-7:30 pm
Thursday, December 4
Vienna Boys Choir
Tuesday, December 9th 7:30 p.m.
Lynn Memorial Auditorium
Tickets available at Lynn City Hall, by calling 781-581-2971 and through ticketmaster.com. Tickets $45.50 and $55.50.
Special opening of the Fabulous Holiday Show and Sale for Lynn residents
Enjoy hot cider, great gifts and the musical accompaniment of the Wild Pitch Quartet.
For more info, call LynnArts at 781-598-5244, or visit http://www.lynnarts.org/
Saturday, December 13, 2-4 pm
25 Exchange St., Lynn
The Little Gallery Under the Stairs presents some 50 Mixed Media works by SAND T
Refreshment and Holiday treats will be served. For more info, call 617-281-1935 or visit http://www.galleryunderthestairs.com
Saturday, December 13, 2-4 pm
25 Exchange St., Lynn
Mass Theatrcia presents a Holiday Concert, featuring the music of the Special K’s
Sunday, December 14 at 4pm
Neal Rantoul Theatre at LynnArts
25 Exchange St., Lynn
Admission $15, $13 for seniors and students, $8 for children 12 and under
Ice sculpting
Fire Juggling
The lighting of the Downtown Christmas Tree
Caroling and holiday shopping at LynnArts
In the Square from 5-7:30 pm
Thursday, December 4
Vienna Boys Choir
Tuesday, December 9th 7:30 p.m.
Lynn Memorial Auditorium
Tickets available at Lynn City Hall, by calling 781-581-2971 and through ticketmaster.com. Tickets $45.50 and $55.50.
Special opening of the Fabulous Holiday Show and Sale for Lynn residents
Enjoy hot cider, great gifts and the musical accompaniment of the Wild Pitch Quartet.
For more info, call LynnArts at 781-598-5244, or visit http://www.lynnarts.org/
Saturday, December 13, 2-4 pm
25 Exchange St., Lynn
The Little Gallery Under the Stairs presents some 50 Mixed Media works by SAND T
Refreshment and Holiday treats will be served. For more info, call 617-281-1935 or visit http://www.galleryunderthestairs.com
Saturday, December 13, 2-4 pm
25 Exchange St., Lynn
Mass Theatrcia presents a Holiday Concert, featuring the music of the Special K’s
Sunday, December 14 at 4pm
Neal Rantoul Theatre at LynnArts
25 Exchange St., Lynn
Admission $15, $13 for seniors and students, $8 for children 12 and under
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.