Wednesday, November 05, 2008
experimental music @mobius
Metal & Glass Ensemble
@8pm: Fri Nov 7th & Sat Nov 8th
admission: $10
Mobius - 725 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA
For these concerts, the Metal & Glass Ensemble bolsters it's ranks
with some of the area's great music innovators for a site specific presentation of extended pitch based drone material designed especially for performance at Mobius.
Be prepared for a wide variety of droney acoustic sonorities that are
just this side of other worldly!
Metal & Glass Ensemble:
Matt Samolis- metal, glass, & flute
Peter Warren- bowed metal
Heather Townsend- metal & glass
Thadd Comstock- metal & glass
Grantley Smith- percussion
With special guest from Philly:
Katt Hernandez- violin
Plus guest musicians:
Michael Punzak- violin
Jane Wang- bass, cello
Steve Norton- bass clarinet, bowed metal
Todd Brunel-bass clarinet
Metal & Glass Ensemble is a Boston-based improvisational group with rotating membership. We create acoustic drone-based music with bowed cymbals and other metal objects, and glasses tuned to a just-intoned 23-note octave. This just scale, employing whole-number ratios akin to a natural harmonic overtone series, is the only formal tuning used in the group. The bowed metal generates its own shifting but interrelated pitch classes, while the instrumental players contribute using a variety of microtonal intonations. In this way the music is liberated from the 12-tone equal-tempered octave, and explores a broad spectrum of harmonic relationships. The ensemble uses a structured improvisational scheme (such as a chart or graphic score) to give each performance a specific form. In some cases the structure is conceptual, expressed through verbal imagery. The music itself evolves gradually over time, often conveying a meditative quality.
Metal & Glass Ensemble
@8pm: Fri Nov 7th & Sat Nov 8th
admission: $10
Mobius - 725 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA
For these concerts, the Metal & Glass Ensemble bolsters it's ranks
with some of the area's great music innovators for a site specific presentation of extended pitch based drone material designed especially for performance at Mobius.
Be prepared for a wide variety of droney acoustic sonorities that are
just this side of other worldly!
Metal & Glass Ensemble:
Matt Samolis- metal, glass, & flute
Peter Warren- bowed metal
Heather Townsend- metal & glass
Thadd Comstock- metal & glass
Grantley Smith- percussion
With special guest from Philly:
Katt Hernandez- violin
Plus guest musicians:
Michael Punzak- violin
Jane Wang- bass, cello
Steve Norton- bass clarinet, bowed metal
Todd Brunel-bass clarinet
Metal & Glass Ensemble is a Boston-based improvisational group with rotating membership. We create acoustic drone-based music with bowed cymbals and other metal objects, and glasses tuned to a just-intoned 23-note octave. This just scale, employing whole-number ratios akin to a natural harmonic overtone series, is the only formal tuning used in the group. The bowed metal generates its own shifting but interrelated pitch classes, while the instrumental players contribute using a variety of microtonal intonations. In this way the music is liberated from the 12-tone equal-tempered octave, and explores a broad spectrum of harmonic relationships. The ensemble uses a structured improvisational scheme (such as a chart or graphic score) to give each performance a specific form. In some cases the structure is conceptual, expressed through verbal imagery. The music itself evolves gradually over time, often conveying a meditative quality.
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