Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Belmont, Mass. -
Twodocumentary films on the subject of genocide and human rights, 'IRefused to Die: The Holocaust Then and Now,' narrated by WBZ's JordanRich and based on a book on local survivors by Susie Davidson, and 'TheMorgenthau Story,' directed by Apo Torosyan, on Henry Morgenthau, Sr.,Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire during the Armenian Genocide, willpremiere at the Studio Cinema, 376 Trapelo Road in Belmont at 7 p.m. onMonday, Nov. 10.
Mid-film panel discussion, moderated by Rich, with Armenian, Greekand Jewish community representatives. Admission ($7) includesrefreshments; theatre concessions also available. Handicappedaccessible.
Information: www.IRefusedtoDie.com, www.aramaifilms.com, 617-566-7557; 978-535-1206.
Twodocumentary films on the subject of genocide and human rights, 'IRefused to Die: The Holocaust Then and Now,' narrated by WBZ's JordanRich and based on a book on local survivors by Susie Davidson, and 'TheMorgenthau Story,' directed by Apo Torosyan, on Henry Morgenthau, Sr.,Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire during the Armenian Genocide, willpremiere at the Studio Cinema, 376 Trapelo Road in Belmont at 7 p.m. onMonday, Nov. 10.
Mid-film panel discussion, moderated by Rich, with Armenian, Greekand Jewish community representatives. Admission ($7) includesrefreshments; theatre concessions also available. Handicappedaccessible.
Information: www.IRefusedtoDie.com, www.aramaifilms.com, 617-566-7557; 978-535-1206.
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