Saturday, April 26, 2008
The 16th annual Teen Empowerment Youth Peace Conference in Boston is fast approaching. Step Up to Change: From the Strand to the State House will take place Saturday, May 10 from 1 to 5pm and is a statewide event at the Strand Theater that will highlight the important issue of Equal Educational Opportunity Teen Empowerment youth organizers in Somerville and Boston have been addressing this year. Following the conference is an Education Rally Day at the State House on Wednesday, May 21 at 3:30pm. This series of events is sponsored by the Boston Teachers Union, the Massachusetts Teachers Association, and Citizens for Public Schools. Below is more detailed information from Sheri Bridgeman who is leading up the outreach efforts. Teen Empowerment staff are happy to come out to your agency to get your staff and youth participants excited for these events. An advanced ticket rate is also available for the conference for groups. Please feel free to contact me or Sheri Bridgeman (her email and phone number are below).
I hope to see many of you -- these are a unique opportunity for different communities across the state to come together to make their voices heard and “step up to change” education in Massachusetts.
Wendy M. Weiser
Director of Somerville Programs
Center for Teen Empowerment
236A Pearl Street
Somerville, MA 02145
Phone 617.628.0710
Fax 617.628.0712
I hope to see many of you -- these are a unique opportunity for different communities across the state to come together to make their voices heard and “step up to change” education in Massachusetts.
Wendy M. Weiser
Director of Somerville Programs
Center for Teen Empowerment
236A Pearl Street
Somerville, MA 02145
Phone 617.628.0710
Fax 617.628.0712
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