Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Date: Saturday, April 19
Time: 7:30 to 9:30 am
Meeting Place: Maynard Ecology Center
Basement of Neville Place
650 Concord Avenue, Cambridge
Experience the arrival of spring at Fresh Pond through the eyes of a naturalist. Chris Leahy, who currently holds the Gerard A. Bertrand Chair of Natural History and Field Ornithology at Mass Audubon, will share his observations and insights while leading this walk through the woods, meadows and wetlands between Black's Nook and the new Lusitania Meadow. Chris' published works include Introduction to New England Birds, An Introduction to Massachusetts Insects, and The Nature of Massachusetts. He is also the editor of a series of books on the flora and fauna of New England. Join us for this special opportunity. Registration required.
These events are FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend: Important information on parking will be given to you.
E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at: friendsoffreshpond@yahoo.com
or call: 617-349-4793 and leave your name and phone number.
Offered by Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation: http://friendsoffreshpond.org
Time: 7:30 to 9:30 am
Meeting Place: Maynard Ecology Center
Basement of Neville Place
650 Concord Avenue, Cambridge
Experience the arrival of spring at Fresh Pond through the eyes of a naturalist. Chris Leahy, who currently holds the Gerard A. Bertrand Chair of Natural History and Field Ornithology at Mass Audubon, will share his observations and insights while leading this walk through the woods, meadows and wetlands between Black's Nook and the new Lusitania Meadow. Chris' published works include Introduction to New England Birds, An Introduction to Massachusetts Insects, and The Nature of Massachusetts. He is also the editor of a series of books on the flora and fauna of New England. Join us for this special opportunity. Registration required.
These events are FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend: Important information on parking will be given to you.
E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at: friendsoffreshpond@yahoo.com
or call: 617-349-4793 and leave your name and phone number.
Offered by Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation: http://friendsoffreshpond.org
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