Monday, April 14, 2008
MIT LECTURE SERIES - April 14, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Location: E15, Bartos Theatre
ZONES OF EMERGENCY - lecture series
Thierry Nlandu and Marjetica Potrc
ZOE Blog:
Event Poster:
Playwright, activist and founder of Le Group Amos, Thierry Nlandu, will talk about Picture Book on Participatory Democracy - An Art’s Act of Resistance against Facade Democracy, a project that informs citizens of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and help them build a democracy that extends beyond national elections to everyday life, praxis and culture. Marjetica Potrc will give a talk entitled Frontier Power comparing three of her recent research projects: the Western Balkans (LHE), the Amazonian state of Acre in western Brazil, and the city of New Orleans. She will address how the breakdown of twentieth-century modernism is followed by territorialization, which stops at the final frontiers of the human body and the structures that shelter it.
Thierry Nlandu, 2007 Abramowitz Artist-in-Residence at MIT, is Professor at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Kinshasa, Congo, where he teaches Anglo-American literature. The dramatist and a sociopolitical activist is founder and member of “Le Group Amos.” He has participated in various platforms of Documenta11, and the films of “Le Groupe Amos” have been screened widely at documentary film festivals but as well at MOMA NYC. Presently, he is the Executive Secretary of the Provincial Government in Kinshasa, DRC.
Marjetica Potrc is a Ljubljana-based artist and architect. Her work has been shown extensively around the world. Her on-site projects improve the relation between the individual and society.In 2005, she co-organized the LHE Lost Highway Expedition. Potrc has won several awards including the Hugo Boss Prize, the Guggenheim Museum New York (2000), and the Vera List Center for Arts and Politics Fellowship at the New School, New York (2007).
Directions MIT Bartos Theater is located on the ground floor of the Wiesner Building on MIT campus (20 Ames Street Building E15, Atrium level, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139). The Wiesner Building is found on the eastern edge of the MIT Campus. It is in close proximity to Kendall Square, Memorial Drive, and the Longfellow Bridge.
By Public Transportation Take the red line to the Kendall/MIT stop, follow Main St. west to Ames St., turn left, walk the distance of about one block to the cross walk and the Wiesner Building, identifiable by its white gridded exterior, will be on your left.
Thanks This event is a collaboration with MIT‘s Office for the Arts‘ Artist-in-Residence Program. Thank you. Michele Oshima and Lynn Heinemann, Office for the Arts at MIT. This lecture series has been made possible with a special grant by the Office of the Dean, School of Architecture and Planning.
MIT Visual Arts Program
James Pollack
Assistant to the Director
Direct line: (617) 253-5229
Fax: (617) 253-3977
265 Mass. Ave., Bldg. N51-328
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA
further information and news
Location: E15, Bartos Theatre
ZONES OF EMERGENCY - lecture series
Thierry Nlandu and Marjetica Potrc
ZOE Blog:
Event Poster:
Playwright, activist and founder of Le Group Amos, Thierry Nlandu, will talk about Picture Book on Participatory Democracy - An Art’s Act of Resistance against Facade Democracy, a project that informs citizens of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and help them build a democracy that extends beyond national elections to everyday life, praxis and culture. Marjetica Potrc will give a talk entitled Frontier Power comparing three of her recent research projects: the Western Balkans (LHE), the Amazonian state of Acre in western Brazil, and the city of New Orleans. She will address how the breakdown of twentieth-century modernism is followed by territorialization, which stops at the final frontiers of the human body and the structures that shelter it.
Thierry Nlandu, 2007 Abramowitz Artist-in-Residence at MIT, is Professor at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Kinshasa, Congo, where he teaches Anglo-American literature. The dramatist and a sociopolitical activist is founder and member of “Le Group Amos.” He has participated in various platforms of Documenta11, and the films of “Le Groupe Amos” have been screened widely at documentary film festivals but as well at MOMA NYC. Presently, he is the Executive Secretary of the Provincial Government in Kinshasa, DRC.
Marjetica Potrc is a Ljubljana-based artist and architect. Her work has been shown extensively around the world. Her on-site projects improve the relation between the individual and society.In 2005, she co-organized the LHE Lost Highway Expedition. Potrc has won several awards including the Hugo Boss Prize, the Guggenheim Museum New York (2000), and the Vera List Center for Arts and Politics Fellowship at the New School, New York (2007).
Directions MIT Bartos Theater is located on the ground floor of the Wiesner Building on MIT campus (20 Ames Street Building E15, Atrium level, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139). The Wiesner Building is found on the eastern edge of the MIT Campus. It is in close proximity to Kendall Square, Memorial Drive, and the Longfellow Bridge.
By Public Transportation Take the red line to the Kendall/MIT stop, follow Main St. west to Ames St., turn left, walk the distance of about one block to the cross walk and the Wiesner Building, identifiable by its white gridded exterior, will be on your left.
Thanks This event is a collaboration with MIT‘s Office for the Arts‘ Artist-in-Residence Program. Thank you. Michele Oshima and Lynn Heinemann, Office for the Arts at MIT. This lecture series has been made possible with a special grant by the Office of the Dean, School of Architecture and Planning.
MIT Visual Arts Program
James Pollack
Assistant to the Director
Direct line: (617) 253-5229
Fax: (617) 253-3977
265 Mass. Ave., Bldg. N51-328
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA
further information and news
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