Tuesday, December 04, 2007
I have a new piece in the Collision Collective show which opens this week
at MIT.
Indicator 0x01 (Petal) 2007 * 28" x 28", paint + electronics on paper
Indicator 0x01 is the first in a series of works that will explore the
integration of simple embedded electronics in paintings and drawings.
Drawings function aesthetically in ways which are not clearly defined by
any rules external to the drawing. A drawing can set its own rules and
"work" in complete and exclusive reference to itself. It has no
dependencies. A circuit, on the other hand, functions electronically in
clearly delimited ways. The way in which a circuit is designed and the
graphical patterns which result are not intended to mean anything
aesthetically or visually - they are the result of efficiencies, the laws
of physics, and the process of production. The visual aspect of a circuit
is irrelevant to its electronic function.
In this series I am exploring these two very different forms of "function"
- with programming as the bridge - and attempt to tie the "functions" of
the drawing and the circuit together.
Hope you get a chance to see the show!
Roy Pardi
COLLISIONtwelve (C12) will take place at the MIT Stata Center Balcony Gallery
3rd floor up stairs from main entrance, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge, MA USA
Nov 31 - Dec 16, 2007, weekdays 9-5, weekends 12-6pm
Opening Fri Nov 30 6-9pm
I have a new piece in the Collision Collective show which opens this week
at MIT.
Indicator 0x01 (Petal) 2007 * 28" x 28", paint + electronics on paper
Indicator 0x01 is the first in a series of works that will explore the
integration of simple embedded electronics in paintings and drawings.
Drawings function aesthetically in ways which are not clearly defined by
any rules external to the drawing. A drawing can set its own rules and
"work" in complete and exclusive reference to itself. It has no
dependencies. A circuit, on the other hand, functions electronically in
clearly delimited ways. The way in which a circuit is designed and the
graphical patterns which result are not intended to mean anything
aesthetically or visually - they are the result of efficiencies, the laws
of physics, and the process of production. The visual aspect of a circuit
is irrelevant to its electronic function.
In this series I am exploring these two very different forms of "function"
- with programming as the bridge - and attempt to tie the "functions" of
the drawing and the circuit together.
Hope you get a chance to see the show!
Roy Pardi
COLLISIONtwelve (C12) will take place at the MIT Stata Center Balcony Gallery
3rd floor up stairs from main entrance, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge, MA USA
Nov 31 - Dec 16, 2007, weekdays 9-5, weekends 12-6pm
Opening Fri Nov 30 6-9pm
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.