Thursday, November 22, 2007
Calling all freaks! Actors, dancers, aerialists, contortionists,
jugglers, acrobats, puppeteers, hula-hoopers, stilt walkers,
acrobalancers, object manipulators, sideshow spectacles -- if you have
a talent and a desire to perform, we want to see it!
The Madcap Rumpus Society is holding auditions for our spring show, to
be performed in late April or May of 2008. The exuberant and talented
Emperor Norton's Stationary Marching Band, a fifteen-piece circus band
gaining notoriety on the Greater Boston scene, will accompany us. ( ) The profits from the show, which come from a
weekend run of 2-3 performances, will provide compensation to be
shared among the cast and crew, as well as help to build a foundation
for future productions.
We are looking for soloists & groups to create acts to fit into our
show's framework, as well as ensemble members to work intensively as a
group to create that framework. All performers should be able to work
both independently and cooperatively with other artists and under the
supervision of the show's creative directors. Ensemble members will
rehearse twice a month until March/April, when rehearsals will be held
more frequently.
We are particularly seeking dancers, actors, and other theatrical &
physical performers. Regardless of whether you have circus experience,
if this project sounds interesting to you, we encourage you to audition.
Auditions will be held on Dec. 1 and 2. Email to
schedule an appointment, or to find out more. Please bring a 3-5
minute piece demonstrating your technical and creative talents, as
well as resumes, description of performance experience or artist's
statements if you have them.
Please spread the news far and wide! The circus is coming to town!
-chuck lechien
c.a.Lechien jr.
Band Leader, Ringmaster & Impresario
Emperor Norton's Stationary Marching Band
feat. the Madcap Rumpus Society
jugglers, acrobats, puppeteers, hula-hoopers, stilt walkers,
acrobalancers, object manipulators, sideshow spectacles -- if you have
a talent and a desire to perform, we want to see it!
The Madcap Rumpus Society is holding auditions for our spring show, to
be performed in late April or May of 2008. The exuberant and talented
Emperor Norton's Stationary Marching Band, a fifteen-piece circus band
gaining notoriety on the Greater Boston scene, will accompany us. ( ) The profits from the show, which come from a
weekend run of 2-3 performances, will provide compensation to be
shared among the cast and crew, as well as help to build a foundation
for future productions.
We are looking for soloists & groups to create acts to fit into our
show's framework, as well as ensemble members to work intensively as a
group to create that framework. All performers should be able to work
both independently and cooperatively with other artists and under the
supervision of the show's creative directors. Ensemble members will
rehearse twice a month until March/April, when rehearsals will be held
more frequently.
We are particularly seeking dancers, actors, and other theatrical &
physical performers. Regardless of whether you have circus experience,
if this project sounds interesting to you, we encourage you to audition.
Auditions will be held on Dec. 1 and 2. Email to
schedule an appointment, or to find out more. Please bring a 3-5
minute piece demonstrating your technical and creative talents, as
well as resumes, description of performance experience or artist's
statements if you have them.
Please spread the news far and wide! The circus is coming to town!
-chuck lechien
c.a.Lechien jr.
Band Leader, Ringmaster & Impresario
Emperor Norton's Stationary Marching Band
feat. the Madcap Rumpus Society
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.