Thursday, August 30, 2007
Photographer and Local Educator Norm Scotch Brings “People and Places” to the Brookline Arts Center
(Brookline, MA – August 29, 2007) Brookline photographer Norm Scotch will exhibit his photographs at the Brookline Arts Center in an exhibition entitled “People and Places” from October 11 through November 9, 2007. Scotch brings an analytic and affectionate eye to Boston, Florida and British Columbia, with richly-hued studies of Fenway Park, the Boston skyline, the Canadian forests and Maine.
“Norm’s beautiful photographs make plain his wonderful curiosity about the world and about people. His subjects are of all ages and all backgrounds. He approaches everyone with empathy and appreciation,” says exhibition curator Susan Navarre, Executive Director of the Brookline Arts Center.
Scotch will lead a free Photography Salon discussion group on Friday, October 19, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Photographers are encouraged to bring samples of their own work to share with the group and spur discussion of artistic and technical issues.
The salon is part of a continuing series of casual discussions for photographers at the Brookline Arts Center. Professionals, amateurs and anyone interested in photography are welcome, and encouraged to bring their work, both digital and film, for discussion.
Master printer Steve Miller will also help lead the salon. “Steve is really talented: he has helped me to experiment with the scale of my prints,” says Scotch. “Some of the photographs in “People and Places” are printed on a very large scale: over four feet long. I love the drama that the size creates.”
Norm Scotch is the Founding Dean Emeritus of the Boston University School of Public Health. He is also an alumnus of Boston University, and has exhibited his work in faculty art exhibitions there. Scotch has also been honored at the School of Public Health, where the Norman A. Scotch Award for Excellence in Teaching is named after him.
Regular gallery hours for viewing “People and Places” on exhibit are Monday through Fridays, 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Admission to the gallery is free. The Brookline Arts Center is located at 86 Monmouth Street and is convenient to public transportation. For more information, call 617-566-5715 or visit
(Brookline, MA – August 29, 2007) Brookline photographer Norm Scotch will exhibit his photographs at the Brookline Arts Center in an exhibition entitled “People and Places” from October 11 through November 9, 2007. Scotch brings an analytic and affectionate eye to Boston, Florida and British Columbia, with richly-hued studies of Fenway Park, the Boston skyline, the Canadian forests and Maine.
“Norm’s beautiful photographs make plain his wonderful curiosity about the world and about people. His subjects are of all ages and all backgrounds. He approaches everyone with empathy and appreciation,” says exhibition curator Susan Navarre, Executive Director of the Brookline Arts Center.
Scotch will lead a free Photography Salon discussion group on Friday, October 19, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Photographers are encouraged to bring samples of their own work to share with the group and spur discussion of artistic and technical issues.
The salon is part of a continuing series of casual discussions for photographers at the Brookline Arts Center. Professionals, amateurs and anyone interested in photography are welcome, and encouraged to bring their work, both digital and film, for discussion.
Master printer Steve Miller will also help lead the salon. “Steve is really talented: he has helped me to experiment with the scale of my prints,” says Scotch. “Some of the photographs in “People and Places” are printed on a very large scale: over four feet long. I love the drama that the size creates.”
Norm Scotch is the Founding Dean Emeritus of the Boston University School of Public Health. He is also an alumnus of Boston University, and has exhibited his work in faculty art exhibitions there. Scotch has also been honored at the School of Public Health, where the Norman A. Scotch Award for Excellence in Teaching is named after him.
Regular gallery hours for viewing “People and Places” on exhibit are Monday through Fridays, 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Admission to the gallery is free. The Brookline Arts Center is located at 86 Monmouth Street and is convenient to public transportation. For more information, call 617-566-5715 or visit
Monday, August 27, 2007
The 2007 Honk Parade: Reclaim the Street for Horns, Bikes and Feet!
Sunday, October 7, 2007, 12 noon
An Ambulatory Street Spectacle with 20 Brass Bands and 20 Parading Groups
from Davis Square to Harvard Square
A new element of the 2007 Honk! Festival (an international gathering of twenty activist brass bands--see will be a Giant Parade on Sunday, October 7 from Davis Square in uptown Somerville to Harvard Square in downtown Cambridge, featuring all twenty Honk bands interspersed with twenty different contingents of creative street spectacle and choreography created by artists and community groups, all united by their desire to Reclaim the Street for Horns, Bikes and Feet. Parade participants will honk, roll, strut and stroll from Davis Square to Porter Square, and then down Massachusetts Avenue to Harvard Square.
The Honk Parade will celebrate streets for people, streets for feet, streets for music, and streets for festival. Our goal is the temporary liberation of public thoroughfares from the dominance of car culture, and its replacement with music, colorful spectacle, and dance.
We invite community groups, artists, creative bicyclists, dog-owners, skateboarders, wheelchair dancers, parents with baby strollers, kids with cool bikes, street dancers, theater companies, and others interested in celebratory public performance (no experience necessary) to create colorful, ambulatory, and festive spectacles to be performed in twenty separate moving street spaces approximately 25 feet wide, 60 feet long and 15 feet tall (watch out for trolley wires!), that will alternate with brass bands in the
parade order. We propose that each parade group design images and movements that take up space (both horizontally and vertically) and present compelling images to parade watchers.
Our theme is Reclaim the Street for Horns, Bikes and Feet, and we ask each participating group to articulate their version of this theme in a striking visual manner. We imagine the parade filled with colorful costumes; large flags and banners; giant puppets; weird wheeled contraptions; interesting large-scale choreographies of humans on foot, on bicycles, skateboards, stilts, and wheelchairs; and of course the twenty brass bands separating the parade groups.
Things to consider:
-the bands will provide sound (and lots of it!)
- the parade will travel at a leisurely walking pace (bicyclists should invent choreography to match).
- we are looking for movement and images that go beyond the normal definitions of parading as a simple march down the street, and would love to brainstorm about different possibilities with the parade groups.
- think of using height as well as width and depth.
- consider using big banners and pictures (hello visual artists?).
- we also need volunteers to help us organize the parade on October 7.
Our group represents considerable experience in the creation and production of parades, pageants, and street spectacles, and we are confident we can make the 2007 Honk Parade an exciting spectacle for the Somerville/Cambridge community. We will have our first brainstorming meeting about the Honk Parade on Saturday, September 8 at 2 p.m. at our house (100 Jackson Street in Cambridge) but would be happy to discuss your exciting ideas at any time earlier than that.
Questions? Ideas? Let us know if you can come to the meeting on September 8.
Contact John Bell at or 617 599 3250
And check out the Return of HONK! website:
Sunday, October 7, 2007, 12 noon
An Ambulatory Street Spectacle with 20 Brass Bands and 20 Parading Groups
from Davis Square to Harvard Square
A new element of the 2007 Honk! Festival (an international gathering of twenty activist brass bands--see will be a Giant Parade on Sunday, October 7 from Davis Square in uptown Somerville to Harvard Square in downtown Cambridge, featuring all twenty Honk bands interspersed with twenty different contingents of creative street spectacle and choreography created by artists and community groups, all united by their desire to Reclaim the Street for Horns, Bikes and Feet. Parade participants will honk, roll, strut and stroll from Davis Square to Porter Square, and then down Massachusetts Avenue to Harvard Square.
The Honk Parade will celebrate streets for people, streets for feet, streets for music, and streets for festival. Our goal is the temporary liberation of public thoroughfares from the dominance of car culture, and its replacement with music, colorful spectacle, and dance.
We invite community groups, artists, creative bicyclists, dog-owners, skateboarders, wheelchair dancers, parents with baby strollers, kids with cool bikes, street dancers, theater companies, and others interested in celebratory public performance (no experience necessary) to create colorful, ambulatory, and festive spectacles to be performed in twenty separate moving street spaces approximately 25 feet wide, 60 feet long and 15 feet tall (watch out for trolley wires!), that will alternate with brass bands in the
parade order. We propose that each parade group design images and movements that take up space (both horizontally and vertically) and present compelling images to parade watchers.
Our theme is Reclaim the Street for Horns, Bikes and Feet, and we ask each participating group to articulate their version of this theme in a striking visual manner. We imagine the parade filled with colorful costumes; large flags and banners; giant puppets; weird wheeled contraptions; interesting large-scale choreographies of humans on foot, on bicycles, skateboards, stilts, and wheelchairs; and of course the twenty brass bands separating the parade groups.
Things to consider:
-the bands will provide sound (and lots of it!)
- the parade will travel at a leisurely walking pace (bicyclists should invent choreography to match).
- we are looking for movement and images that go beyond the normal definitions of parading as a simple march down the street, and would love to brainstorm about different possibilities with the parade groups.
- think of using height as well as width and depth.
- consider using big banners and pictures (hello visual artists?).
- we also need volunteers to help us organize the parade on October 7.
Our group represents considerable experience in the creation and production of parades, pageants, and street spectacles, and we are confident we can make the 2007 Honk Parade an exciting spectacle for the Somerville/Cambridge community. We will have our first brainstorming meeting about the Honk Parade on Saturday, September 8 at 2 p.m. at our house (100 Jackson Street in Cambridge) but would be happy to discuss your exciting ideas at any time earlier than that.
Questions? Ideas? Let us know if you can come to the meeting on September 8.
Contact John Bell at or 617 599 3250
And check out the Return of HONK! website:
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Phragmites are coming! Phragmites are coming! Well, actually, they are already here. The tall, invasive grass called Common Reed, Phragmites australis, is now growing in the bioswale in front of the Cambridge Water Department and in several places on the banks of Fresh Pond.
“Phrags” spread rapidly by underground rhizomes, growing so densely and tall that cattails and other wetland plants are crowded and shaded out. The loss of plant diversity means that insects, birds, and other animals also lose their homes.
We are not currently prepared to deal with “phrags” at Fresh Pond Reservation, but we do have a chance to eradicate them where they are marching forth in the nearby, smaller, Danehy Park wetland.
On Wednesday, September 19, 2007, volunteers with garden pruners will cut the tops off the plants at Danehy Park; then professionals will drip a small amount of a wetland-approved herbicide (glyphosate) into each hollow stem. The herbicide will travel down to the roots and kill the plants without harming any other plants or animals This work will be done with the support of the Danehy Park management and under a permit issued by the Cambridge Conservation Commission.
Anyone 18 years or older who can use garden pruners and doesn’t mind getting muddy shoes is welcome to participate! You can sign up for one of two shifts: 1:00 to 2:45 pm or 3:00 to 4:45 pm. Volunteers will have no contact with the herbicide and will not need to wear protective clothing, although long pants and boots or old shoes are recommended. Pruners, gloves, and refreshments will be provided. . Park at the Danehy parking lot at 99 Sherman Street, Cambridge.
Experience gained from this project may provide the impetus for other phragmites eradication programs in the city, including one at Fresh Pond Reservation.
Date: Wednesday, September 19
Rain Date: Wednesday, September 27
Times: 1:00 to 2:45 pm and 3:00 to 4:45 pm
Place: Danehy Park, 99 Sherman Street (parking lot address), Cambridge
To volunteer and for details, e-mail Elizabeth Wylde at
“Phrags” spread rapidly by underground rhizomes, growing so densely and tall that cattails and other wetland plants are crowded and shaded out. The loss of plant diversity means that insects, birds, and other animals also lose their homes.
We are not currently prepared to deal with “phrags” at Fresh Pond Reservation, but we do have a chance to eradicate them where they are marching forth in the nearby, smaller, Danehy Park wetland.
On Wednesday, September 19, 2007, volunteers with garden pruners will cut the tops off the plants at Danehy Park; then professionals will drip a small amount of a wetland-approved herbicide (glyphosate) into each hollow stem. The herbicide will travel down to the roots and kill the plants without harming any other plants or animals This work will be done with the support of the Danehy Park management and under a permit issued by the Cambridge Conservation Commission.
Anyone 18 years or older who can use garden pruners and doesn’t mind getting muddy shoes is welcome to participate! You can sign up for one of two shifts: 1:00 to 2:45 pm or 3:00 to 4:45 pm. Volunteers will have no contact with the herbicide and will not need to wear protective clothing, although long pants and boots or old shoes are recommended. Pruners, gloves, and refreshments will be provided. . Park at the Danehy parking lot at 99 Sherman Street, Cambridge.
Experience gained from this project may provide the impetus for other phragmites eradication programs in the city, including one at Fresh Pond Reservation.
Date: Wednesday, September 19
Rain Date: Wednesday, September 27
Times: 1:00 to 2:45 pm and 3:00 to 4:45 pm
Place: Danehy Park, 99 Sherman Street (parking lot address), Cambridge
To volunteer and for details, e-mail Elizabeth Wylde at
ArtsUnion is seeking vendors for the upcoming Rock 'n' Roll Yard Sale, part of this summer's marketplace series. The Rock 'n' Roll Yard Sale will be taking place on Saturday, September 15, in the plaza in Union Square, Somerville, from 3-7 pm.
How to apply to be a member:
boston area
a free outdoor music-oriented sale of
RECORDS, cd's, POSTERS, music + stereo
equipment + DIY handmade stuff . . .
saturday SEPTEMBER 15th 2007
(raindate = sunday 16 sept)
3 - 7pm
on the plaza in Union Square - SOMERVILLE, MASS
part of the ArtsUnion
Marketplace Series
call to vendors!
want to sell at
got some RECORDS, tapes or CD's to unload?
tired of old music gear or stereo equipment
collecting dust? or maybe you make POSTERS or
T-SHIRTS? or whatever! anything goes . . .
vintage or handmade stuff - or . . . whatever . . .
write us to be considered for a spot at this
marketplace. just send us with your contact info
and a description of what you would like to sell to:
or write us at:
what cheer
437 angell road
n. providence, ri 02904
cost is only $15, but you must provide your own tables
How to apply to be a member:
boston area
a free outdoor music-oriented sale of
RECORDS, cd's, POSTERS, music + stereo
equipment + DIY handmade stuff . . .
saturday SEPTEMBER 15th 2007
(raindate = sunday 16 sept)
3 - 7pm
on the plaza in Union Square - SOMERVILLE, MASS
part of the ArtsUnion
Marketplace Series
call to vendors!
want to sell at
got some RECORDS, tapes or CD's to unload?
tired of old music gear or stereo equipment
collecting dust? or maybe you make POSTERS or
T-SHIRTS? or whatever! anything goes . . .
vintage or handmade stuff - or . . . whatever . . .
write us to be considered for a spot at this
marketplace. just send us with your contact info
and a description of what you would like to sell to:
or write us at:
what cheer
437 angell road
n. providence, ri 02904
cost is only $15, but you must provide your own tables
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Cervena Barva, a Somerville-based literary small press publisher,
kicks off a new poetry series for 2007 –2008 on September 19 at
Pierre Menard Gallery, Arrow St. in Harvard Square, Cambridge. The
inaugural reading will feature Lucille Lang Day, F.D. Reeve, and
Diana Der-Hovanesian.
Lucille Lang Day, whose poetry reflects her interest and
studies in science, especially in the field of zoology, is from
Oakland, California and the author of God of the Jellyfish, a new
title from Cervena Barva Press. She has four other poetry
collections, including Self Portrait with Hand Microscope, for which
she received the Joseph Henry Jackson Literary Award. She is
founder and director of Scarlet Tanager Books and runs The Hall of
Health, an interactive children's museum in Berkley.
F.D. Reeve currently lives in Vermont. He has edited Poetry
Review, served on the Poetry Society of America's governing Board
and was one of the founders of Poet's House in New York City. A
prolific author himself, he has also translated literary criticism,
poetry, plays, and fiction of Russian authors, including the
forthcoming The Story About Seven Who Were Hanged by Leonid
Andreyev. Two excerpts of Reeve's novel, My Sister Life (2005,
Other Press) ran in the New England Review. His most recent
publication is The Return of the Blue Cat with a CD of his reading
with the jazz trio, Exit 59. The Toy Soldier and Other Poems is
scheduled for release this fall.
New England-born Diana Der-Hovanesian was Fullbright Professor
of American Poetry at Yerevan State University in 1994 and 1999.
She is author of twenty-two books of poetry and translation, and has
received awards from the National Endowment for the Arts, Poetry
Society of America, PEN Columbia Translation Center, Paterson Poetry
Center, PEN New England, Armenian Writers Union, Writers Union of
America, Prairie Schooner, and the American Scholar. She is
president of the New England Poetry Club.
Other writers scheduled to date to read for the series, which
will run through April 2008, include John Minczeski, Mark Pawlak,
Susan Tepper, Harris Gardner, Tam Lynn Neville, and Mary Bonina.
The Pierre Menard Gallery, which is hosting the readings,
shows work by modern and contemporary artists in a variety of
mediums. John Wronoski, owner of Lame Duck Books, located in the
same building downstairs, opened the Gallery in August 2006.
Invested in both the literary and visual arts, Pierre Menard has
become a unique and celebrated venue of literary events, exhibits of
foreign and local artists, and is proud to produce a series of
artist catalogues.
Cervena Barva Press was founded in 2005 by Gloria Mindock.
The Press publishes an international collection of chapbooks and
books, plays, and poetry postcards featuring the work of prestigious
award-winning writers including Gary Finke, Eric Pankey, Simon
Perchik, Michael Burkhard, Catherine Sasanov, John Minczeski, David
Ray, and others. A monthly on-line newsletter includes interviews
with writers, editors, and publishers from all over the world, gives
listings of author reading schedules throughout the U.S., and
announces book releases of literary interest as well as its own
recent publications. The Press accepts work by solicitation only
but welcomes queries, especially from Central and Eastern European
writers. Annual poetry and fiction chapbook competitions sponsored
by Cervena Barva Press are open to all and announced on their
website. The Press also offers writers and publishers
internationally, the opportunity to sell their books on consignment
through an on-line bookstore, The Lost Bookshelf.
kicks off a new poetry series for 2007 –2008 on September 19 at
Pierre Menard Gallery, Arrow St. in Harvard Square, Cambridge. The
inaugural reading will feature Lucille Lang Day, F.D. Reeve, and
Diana Der-Hovanesian.
Lucille Lang Day, whose poetry reflects her interest and
studies in science, especially in the field of zoology, is from
Oakland, California and the author of God of the Jellyfish, a new
title from Cervena Barva Press. She has four other poetry
collections, including Self Portrait with Hand Microscope, for which
she received the Joseph Henry Jackson Literary Award. She is
founder and director of Scarlet Tanager Books and runs The Hall of
Health, an interactive children's museum in Berkley.
F.D. Reeve currently lives in Vermont. He has edited Poetry
Review, served on the Poetry Society of America's governing Board
and was one of the founders of Poet's House in New York City. A
prolific author himself, he has also translated literary criticism,
poetry, plays, and fiction of Russian authors, including the
forthcoming The Story About Seven Who Were Hanged by Leonid
Andreyev. Two excerpts of Reeve's novel, My Sister Life (2005,
Other Press) ran in the New England Review. His most recent
publication is The Return of the Blue Cat with a CD of his reading
with the jazz trio, Exit 59. The Toy Soldier and Other Poems is
scheduled for release this fall.
New England-born Diana Der-Hovanesian was Fullbright Professor
of American Poetry at Yerevan State University in 1994 and 1999.
She is author of twenty-two books of poetry and translation, and has
received awards from the National Endowment for the Arts, Poetry
Society of America, PEN Columbia Translation Center, Paterson Poetry
Center, PEN New England, Armenian Writers Union, Writers Union of
America, Prairie Schooner, and the American Scholar. She is
president of the New England Poetry Club.
Other writers scheduled to date to read for the series, which
will run through April 2008, include John Minczeski, Mark Pawlak,
Susan Tepper, Harris Gardner, Tam Lynn Neville, and Mary Bonina.
The Pierre Menard Gallery, which is hosting the readings,
shows work by modern and contemporary artists in a variety of
mediums. John Wronoski, owner of Lame Duck Books, located in the
same building downstairs, opened the Gallery in August 2006.
Invested in both the literary and visual arts, Pierre Menard has
become a unique and celebrated venue of literary events, exhibits of
foreign and local artists, and is proud to produce a series of
artist catalogues.
Cervena Barva Press was founded in 2005 by Gloria Mindock.
The Press publishes an international collection of chapbooks and
books, plays, and poetry postcards featuring the work of prestigious
award-winning writers including Gary Finke, Eric Pankey, Simon
Perchik, Michael Burkhard, Catherine Sasanov, John Minczeski, David
Ray, and others. A monthly on-line newsletter includes interviews
with writers, editors, and publishers from all over the world, gives
listings of author reading schedules throughout the U.S., and
announces book releases of literary interest as well as its own
recent publications. The Press accepts work by solicitation only
but welcomes queries, especially from Central and Eastern European
writers. Annual poetry and fiction chapbook competitions sponsored
by Cervena Barva Press are open to all and announced on their
website. The Press also offers writers and publishers
internationally, the opportunity to sell their books on consignment
through an on-line bookstore, The Lost Bookshelf.
Monday, August 20, 2007
CALL FOR ARTISTS - September 1, 2007
We are looking for fine art, contemporary art and sculpture. Northwest regional will get first notice. Send disk. No entry fee.
OPUS6IX Gallery
22 West 7th Av
Eugene OR 97401
OPUS6IX Gallery
22 West 7th Av
Eugene OR 97401
Contact Michelle Fiorenza
For Immediate Release:
August 20, 2007
(Somerville, MA) The Nave Gallery presents, "Urban interpretations," a
photographic exhibition curated by Michelle Fiorenza featuring the work of
Violet Bryd, Kay Canavino, Karen Davis, Gary Duehr, Shane Hutton, Robin
Radin, Skye Schulte, Andrea Thompson, Peg Tuitt, Peter Urban, James Zall.
The exhibit runs from September 7 – September 28, 2007 with an opening
reception on Friday, September 7, 2007, from 6 - 8 p.m.
Urban Interpretations is a photographic exhibition which explores human
behavior, diversity, geometry, spirit, rhythms and patterns of everyday
life in the context of a densely populated urban environment. It is about
the relationship between people and their physical urban surroundings and
the impact they have on each other. The following eleven photographers
share their interpretation of this theme.
Violet Bryd captures unpredictable, momentary, usually unseen occurrences
unfolding in urban life's familiar moments, using a Polaroid
point-and-shoot instant camera.
Kay Canavino creates night landscapes to address a different sort of
beauty without the jumble of information visible in the daylight. Using
the elements of black, available light, and the artificial light that she
adds, Kay explores the urban environment to discover what the night has to
Karen Davis photographs children in an urban environment. She is attracted
to children’s moments of deep engagement with others, an object, a
Gary Duehr uses a cell phone to create images that address the energy
created by colliding vantage points. His large scale color images have a
patchy, rough quality that lends immediacy, making it harder to look
away--even though we might want to.
Shane Hutton conveys the density of an Asian city through the eye of his
camera. He believes foreign cities strip the environment of most
utilitarian uses for the traveler, allowing the implications of urban
living to be more clearly felt.
Robin Radin makes portraits of people in the context of their
neighborhood; their relationships with family, neighbors and their
immediate urban environment.
Skye Schulte highlights the patterns that persist within a city and how
they reflect the patterns found in our own human behavior. She believes
that urban life allows for constant reinvention and renewal.
Andrea Thompson portrays Las Vegas as the city of image, surface, and
constantly shifting identities.
Peg Tuitt captures the essence of Havana, Cuba – the people, the bikes,
the architecture, the history, the scale, the intimacy, the warmth, the
light, the spirit, the contradictions and most of all the hope.
Peter Urban challenges himself to see Boston as a stranger would, to find
the excitement in himself and translate that into a rediscovery of his
James Zall selects and assembles images of portions of the urban
environment, highlighting the juxtapositions that result from independent
threads of human activity.
The Nave Gallery is an important partner in Somerville’s vibrant arts
community. It is a project of ARTSomerville, a volunteer organization
that draws upon the talents of local creativity, strengthening
communication among artists and the public by presenting exhibits,
performances, and educational activities. The gallery is a noncommercial
art space featuring work of both emerging and established artists. It is
located at the Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church, 155 Powderhouse
Boulevard, Somerville, MA 02144, 617-625-4823.
Parking: Available in the West Somerville Neighborhood School after 5:00
p.m. and on weekends. The lot is located on Raymond Street. At the
intersection of Powderhouse and Curtis Street turn right onto Curtis and
take the first left onto Raymond. The lot is located about 1 block down
on the left.
MBTA: From Davis Square take Bus 88 - Clarendon Hill Highland Avenue. Exit
at Broadway and Curtis St. and walk 3 blocks north on Curtis Street. Turn
right onto Powderhouse Blvd. and the gallery will be immediately on your
All exhibitions are free and open to the public. Gallery hours are Friday
5 to 8 p.m. and Saturday & Sunday 1 to 5 p.m.
For further information, please email Michelle Fiorenza at or leave a message at: 617.623-3836.
Phone: 617.623-3836
For Immediate Release:
August 20, 2007
(Somerville, MA) The Nave Gallery presents, "Urban interpretations," a
photographic exhibition curated by Michelle Fiorenza featuring the work of
Violet Bryd, Kay Canavino, Karen Davis, Gary Duehr, Shane Hutton, Robin
Radin, Skye Schulte, Andrea Thompson, Peg Tuitt, Peter Urban, James Zall.
The exhibit runs from September 7 – September 28, 2007 with an opening
reception on Friday, September 7, 2007, from 6 - 8 p.m.
Urban Interpretations is a photographic exhibition which explores human
behavior, diversity, geometry, spirit, rhythms and patterns of everyday
life in the context of a densely populated urban environment. It is about
the relationship between people and their physical urban surroundings and
the impact they have on each other. The following eleven photographers
share their interpretation of this theme.
Violet Bryd captures unpredictable, momentary, usually unseen occurrences
unfolding in urban life's familiar moments, using a Polaroid
point-and-shoot instant camera.
Kay Canavino creates night landscapes to address a different sort of
beauty without the jumble of information visible in the daylight. Using
the elements of black, available light, and the artificial light that she
adds, Kay explores the urban environment to discover what the night has to
Karen Davis photographs children in an urban environment. She is attracted
to children’s moments of deep engagement with others, an object, a
Gary Duehr uses a cell phone to create images that address the energy
created by colliding vantage points. His large scale color images have a
patchy, rough quality that lends immediacy, making it harder to look
away--even though we might want to.
Shane Hutton conveys the density of an Asian city through the eye of his
camera. He believes foreign cities strip the environment of most
utilitarian uses for the traveler, allowing the implications of urban
living to be more clearly felt.
Robin Radin makes portraits of people in the context of their
neighborhood; their relationships with family, neighbors and their
immediate urban environment.
Skye Schulte highlights the patterns that persist within a city and how
they reflect the patterns found in our own human behavior. She believes
that urban life allows for constant reinvention and renewal.
Andrea Thompson portrays Las Vegas as the city of image, surface, and
constantly shifting identities.
Peg Tuitt captures the essence of Havana, Cuba – the people, the bikes,
the architecture, the history, the scale, the intimacy, the warmth, the
light, the spirit, the contradictions and most of all the hope.
Peter Urban challenges himself to see Boston as a stranger would, to find
the excitement in himself and translate that into a rediscovery of his
James Zall selects and assembles images of portions of the urban
environment, highlighting the juxtapositions that result from independent
threads of human activity.
The Nave Gallery is an important partner in Somerville’s vibrant arts
community. It is a project of ARTSomerville, a volunteer organization
that draws upon the talents of local creativity, strengthening
communication among artists and the public by presenting exhibits,
performances, and educational activities. The gallery is a noncommercial
art space featuring work of both emerging and established artists. It is
located at the Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church, 155 Powderhouse
Boulevard, Somerville, MA 02144, 617-625-4823.
Parking: Available in the West Somerville Neighborhood School after 5:00
p.m. and on weekends. The lot is located on Raymond Street. At the
intersection of Powderhouse and Curtis Street turn right onto Curtis and
take the first left onto Raymond. The lot is located about 1 block down
on the left.
MBTA: From Davis Square take Bus 88 - Clarendon Hill Highland Avenue. Exit
at Broadway and Curtis St. and walk 3 blocks north on Curtis Street. Turn
right onto Powderhouse Blvd. and the gallery will be immediately on your
All exhibitions are free and open to the public. Gallery hours are Friday
5 to 8 p.m. and Saturday & Sunday 1 to 5 p.m.
For further information, please email Michelle Fiorenza at or leave a message at: 617.623-3836.
Phone: 617.623-3836
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Gallery at Elm Street (Est. in 2006)
First Parish in Malden, Universalist
2 Elm Street
Malden MA 02148
Elm and Pleasant Streets (Route 60), Malden.
Three blocks west of the Malden Center T station
Contact: Rev. David M. Horst, Minister
Office telephone: 781-322-0474
Home telephone: 781-391-3369
Premier exhibit: MALDEN CONTEMPORARY | 9/9 - 11/12/2006
Gallery @ the Mayor's Office (Est. in 2003)
Mayor Richard C. Howard's Office
Malden Government Center, 6th floor
200 Pleasant St
Malden MA 02148
Contact: Deborah A. Burke, Project Director/
Premier exhibit: Malden Artists - New Works | Oct 27 - Nov 25, 2003
First Parish in Malden, Universalist
2 Elm Street
Malden MA 02148
Elm and Pleasant Streets (Route 60), Malden.
Three blocks west of the Malden Center T station
Contact: Rev. David M. Horst, Minister
Office telephone: 781-322-0474
Home telephone: 781-391-3369
Premier exhibit: MALDEN CONTEMPORARY | 9/9 - 11/12/2006
Gallery @ the Mayor's Office (Est. in 2003)
Mayor Richard C. Howard's Office
Malden Government Center, 6th floor
200 Pleasant St
Malden MA 02148
Contact: Deborah A. Burke, Project Director/
Premier exhibit: Malden Artists - New Works | Oct 27 - Nov 25, 2003
Seeking submissions from Salem residents for its September Exhibit in Old Town Hall, entitled "Salem by Salem". The arts association is looking for work that is inspired by the City of Salem, something or someone(s) that has stirred us or moved us. The exhibit will be held Saturday, September 15 and Sunday, September 16. The opening reception will be held Friday evening, September 14, from 7-9pm. This event is free and open to the public. Entry fee.
Salem Art Association
Salem, Massachusetts
Salem Art Association
Salem, Massachusetts
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Contact: Alvah Parker 781-598-0388
The following announcement is for the Follow Hymn Music Ministries a nonprofit organization. The following is the id number of this nonprofit: EIN # 02-0539062 Please list in your calendar during the two weeks preceding this event. If you can run an article in an appropriate section of the newspaper we would appreciate that too.
Open Auditions
Follow Hymn Interfaith Choir is a North Shore based community chorus. The choir is one of the programs offered by the Follow Hymn Interfaith Music Ministries, Inc ( It is an interfaith, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural performance organization.
The Follow Hymn Music Ministries is committed to promoting cultural enrichment, spiritual uplifting, multicultural education and community experience utilizing gospel, spiritual and inspirational music. It is also committed to using the power of music through song, movement and spoken word as a tool to bridge cultural gaps and provide greater understanding and awareness of all people.
The Follow Hymn Interfaith Choir itself is made of men and women from a diverse set of religions and ethnicities that join together in song. The music comes from the varied backgrounds of the members and includes: spiritual, gospel, and inspirational and dramatic presentations. Repertoire is sung in English, Hebrew, Spanish, and/or Swahili.
If you are an experienced singer, with sight-reading skills (not required but helpful) and interested in exploring a range of music genres, then Follow Hymn Interfaith Choir is for you!
All adults (18 and older) are welcome to audition on Monday August 27th from 6pm to 10pm or Tuesday September 4th from 6pm to 9pm. These auditions are in preparation for the season opening concert on November 2nd and 3rd.
Rehearsals are on Monday nights from 7pm to 9pm at Lynn Arts Inc. 25 Exchange St in Lynn.
Interested singers must have choral experience and commit to regular rehearsals. This is an excellent opportunity to offer one’s musical gifts as a part of a vitally important ministry to the community. For more information or to arrange an audition by appointment only please contact Doreen Murray at or 781-953-1849.
Alvah Parker
Practice Advisor and Career Coach
Parker Associates
The following announcement is for the Follow Hymn Music Ministries a nonprofit organization. The following is the id number of this nonprofit: EIN # 02-0539062 Please list in your calendar during the two weeks preceding this event. If you can run an article in an appropriate section of the newspaper we would appreciate that too.
Open Auditions
Follow Hymn Interfaith Choir is a North Shore based community chorus. The choir is one of the programs offered by the Follow Hymn Interfaith Music Ministries, Inc ( It is an interfaith, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural performance organization.
The Follow Hymn Music Ministries is committed to promoting cultural enrichment, spiritual uplifting, multicultural education and community experience utilizing gospel, spiritual and inspirational music. It is also committed to using the power of music through song, movement and spoken word as a tool to bridge cultural gaps and provide greater understanding and awareness of all people.
The Follow Hymn Interfaith Choir itself is made of men and women from a diverse set of religions and ethnicities that join together in song. The music comes from the varied backgrounds of the members and includes: spiritual, gospel, and inspirational and dramatic presentations. Repertoire is sung in English, Hebrew, Spanish, and/or Swahili.
If you are an experienced singer, with sight-reading skills (not required but helpful) and interested in exploring a range of music genres, then Follow Hymn Interfaith Choir is for you!
All adults (18 and older) are welcome to audition on Monday August 27th from 6pm to 10pm or Tuesday September 4th from 6pm to 9pm. These auditions are in preparation for the season opening concert on November 2nd and 3rd.
Rehearsals are on Monday nights from 7pm to 9pm at Lynn Arts Inc. 25 Exchange St in Lynn.
Interested singers must have choral experience and commit to regular rehearsals. This is an excellent opportunity to offer one’s musical gifts as a part of a vitally important ministry to the community. For more information or to arrange an audition by appointment only please contact Doreen Murray at or 781-953-1849.
Alvah Parker
Practice Advisor and Career Coach
Parker Associates
District Cotton is happy to announce our latest T-shirt design contest benefiting Bikes Not Bombs in Boston. The theme for the contest is to come-up with a design related to bikes, bike riding, or for that matter, just about anything that involves not being in a car. District Cotton asks you to come up with a design to print on one of our 100% organic cotton t-shirts. While the contests have a general theme, we hope that entrants are as creative as possible with their design. Winning designers will receive $200 cash and a $50 DC gift certificate for their efforts. Once the shirts are printed, 10% of the proceeds will go directly to Bikes Not Bombs to help them run their programs in Boston and around the world. No entry fee.
District Cotton
463 7th Ave Suite 806
New York NY 10018
District Cotton
463 7th Ave Suite 806
New York NY 10018
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
This Saturday, August 18th, ArtsUnion attacks, again.
ARTSomerville presents
Project MUM: Meet Under McGrath!
A multimedia 70s themed dance party underneath the McGrath Highway at Washington Street.
9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Rain or shine.
$10.00 suggested donation.
All proceeds go to ARTSomerville, Somerville Arts Council, Mudflat Pottery Studio, Inc., Brickbottom Artist Association, Somerville Community Access Television, Joy Street Studios, and Kinodance Company.
Gents, dig out the leisure suit in the basement. Ladies, wing that hair like it's 1979! Whether your style is the Bump, the Busstop, or the Hustle, DJs Flack, Axel Foley, and Pace will provide dyn-o-mite tunes to get you boogeying. Video & light projections courtesy of Jackbackrack, celebrity dancers from Kinodance, and 70s slide show of notable Somervillians will complete the Studio 54 experience.
For more information:
And, make a day of it in Union Square. Don't forget that Magpie's Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recraft market is 3p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday in Union Square plaza. Get ready for MUM by making your own disco ball!
Curated by ARTSomerville and lighting guru Todd Sargent/VDA
ARTSomerville presents
Project MUM: Meet Under McGrath!
A multimedia 70s themed dance party underneath the McGrath Highway at Washington Street.
9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Rain or shine.
$10.00 suggested donation.
All proceeds go to ARTSomerville, Somerville Arts Council, Mudflat Pottery Studio, Inc., Brickbottom Artist Association, Somerville Community Access Television, Joy Street Studios, and Kinodance Company.
Gents, dig out the leisure suit in the basement. Ladies, wing that hair like it's 1979! Whether your style is the Bump, the Busstop, or the Hustle, DJs Flack, Axel Foley, and Pace will provide dyn-o-mite tunes to get you boogeying. Video & light projections courtesy of Jackbackrack, celebrity dancers from Kinodance, and 70s slide show of notable Somervillians will complete the Studio 54 experience.
For more information:
And, make a day of it in Union Square. Don't forget that Magpie's Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recraft market is 3p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday in Union Square plaza. Get ready for MUM by making your own disco ball!
Curated by ARTSomerville and lighting guru Todd Sargent/VDA
Seeking an artist that deals with excessive waste and over-consumption in their work. Topics can include gross spending, pollution, oil consumption, alternative transportation, waste management, recycling, etc. We will be selecting one artist to display their work in Close Quarters which will coincide with the exhibition Consumption Junction (Sept 12-Dec 8, 2007), curated by James Voorhies. No entry fee.
Katy Castronovo
Close Quarters Gallery
Columbus College of Art & Design
107 North Ninth St
Columbus OH 43215
Katy Castronovo
Close Quarters Gallery
Columbus College of Art & Design
107 North Ninth St
Columbus OH 43215
TIBET/NEPAL PHOTO EXHIBITION - August 16 - September 11, 2007
Mustang: The Lost Tibetan Kingdom, will open at the Cambridge Multicultural Arts Center (CMAC) on August 16. It will be free and open to the public from August 16-September 11, 2007. CMAC is located at 41 Second Street in Cambridge. Visit or call (617) 577-1400 for more information.
There will be a reception on Thursday, September 6, from 6:00-8:00pm, shortly after my return from 2 months in Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia where I am currently shooting.
CMAC will also host a slide lecture about Mustang after the exhibit ends, on Thursday, October 25, at 7:00pm.
The Kingdom of Mustang is a semi-secret, semi-feudal, and semi-independent region of Nepal, nestled in the Himalayas at 13,000 feet on the border with Tibet. It was closed to the outside world until the early 1990’s, and, even today, special permission is needed to enter. It is the only surviving continuous Tibetan monarchy, and because of this, and its near-total isolation for so long, it is perhaps the "purest" surviving Tibetan culture in the world. The exhibit and slide lecture feature the people, villages, farms, monasteries, and celebrations of this unique and ancient culture, and the wild, remote, and starkly beautiful Himalayan landscape that has shaped it.
There will be a reception on Thursday, September 6, from 6:00-8:00pm, shortly after my return from 2 months in Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia where I am currently shooting.
CMAC will also host a slide lecture about Mustang after the exhibit ends, on Thursday, October 25, at 7:00pm.
The Kingdom of Mustang is a semi-secret, semi-feudal, and semi-independent region of Nepal, nestled in the Himalayas at 13,000 feet on the border with Tibet. It was closed to the outside world until the early 1990’s, and, even today, special permission is needed to enter. It is the only surviving continuous Tibetan monarchy, and because of this, and its near-total isolation for so long, it is perhaps the "purest" surviving Tibetan culture in the world. The exhibit and slide lecture feature the people, villages, farms, monasteries, and celebrations of this unique and ancient culture, and the wild, remote, and starkly beautiful Himalayan landscape that has shaped it.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Dear Somervillians,
I'm delighted to announce the release of my latest book, Further Fenway Fiction. Following 2005's Fenway Fiction, this is another Red Sox anthology featuring short stories, poems, and even part of a musical, with pieces inspired by Longfellow, Leviticus, and a lot of stuff in between. Like its predecessor, Further Fenway
Fiction features Somerville residents galore: Mitch Evich, Sarah Green, Lenore Myka, Jennifer Rapaport, Jon Winickoff, and cover photographer Mary Kocol. You can find out more at the publisher's website:
and Further Fenway Fiction is available from the usual on-line suspects:
as well as local bookstores, two of which will be hosting readings in the next few weeks: the Harvard Coop on August 16 at 7 p.m., and Porter Square Books on September 6, also at 7 p.m.
Enjoy the book; Go Sox!
Adam Pachter
I'm delighted to announce the release of my latest book, Further Fenway Fiction. Following 2005's Fenway Fiction, this is another Red Sox anthology featuring short stories, poems, and even part of a musical, with pieces inspired by Longfellow, Leviticus, and a lot of stuff in between. Like its predecessor, Further Fenway
Fiction features Somerville residents galore: Mitch Evich, Sarah Green, Lenore Myka, Jennifer Rapaport, Jon Winickoff, and cover photographer Mary Kocol. You can find out more at the publisher's website:
and Further Fenway Fiction is available from the usual on-line suspects:
as well as local bookstores, two of which will be hosting readings in the next few weeks: the Harvard Coop on August 16 at 7 p.m., and Porter Square Books on September 6, also at 7 p.m.
Enjoy the book; Go Sox!
Adam Pachter
Saturday, August 11, 2007
GROUP SINGING FOR WOMEN COURSE - October 16 - November 27, 2007
The 7-week fall session of the Art of Group Singing class for women
with Susan Robbins will be held Tuesday evenings October 16th
through November 27th at Third Life Studio, Union Square, Somerville.
Past Art of Group Singing classes have been fun, depthful, and joyous
experiences for those of us singing in the circle together, full of beautiful
music, expansive spirit, communal sensitivity, and openhearted expression.
Details are below.
Because Libana will be the featured artists in the 18 performances of
the Balkan-themed Christmas Revels at Harvard's Sanders Theater in
Cambridge, this fall's session is a little shorter than usual...!
(For tickets: )
If you are interested, please email a response with your intention to
take this class. ALSO fill out the registration form found at the bottom
of this email and return at your earliest convenience with a $30 deposit
to hold your place in the circle! Please make checks payable to
Susan Robbins and mail to:
Susan Robbins
Libana, Inc.
P.O.Box 400530
Cambridge, MA 02140
If you (or a friend) have further questions, please call at (617) 628-0916,
or email me at
In peace,
Susan Robbins, Founder and Artistic Director of Libana
A 7-week class for women with
Susan Robbins, Founder and Artistic Director of Libana
Singing in community is a powerful source of joy, celebration, and
ritual for women around the world. In this class, we will create mesmorizing
harmonies through the singing of rounds and chants, and learn songs
sung by women of many cultures. As we experiment with eclectic vocal
styles and colors, we'll bring increased awareness to relaxed, grounded
breathing, easeful vocal production and active listening. Come experience
the artful creation of group sound and spirit.
When: 7 Tuesday evenings: 10/16 through 11/27
Time: 7-9:15 pm
Cost: $210
Where: Third Life Studio, Union Square, Somerville, MA
Further details and directions provided upon registration.
Commitment to the entire session is expected.
Please email a response with your intention to take the classes.
ALSO fill out the registration form found at the bottom of this email
and return at your earliest convenience with a $30 deposit to hold your
place in the circle! Please make checks payable to Susan Robbins
(not Libana) and mail to:
Susan Robbins, Libana, Inc., P.O.Box 400530, Cambridge, MA 02140
For more information email
or call (617) 628-0916
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Susan Robbins is the Founder and Artistic Director of Libana, an
internationally renowned women's world music ensemble now in its 28th
performance season ( She has taught voice
privately for over 30 years and leads singing workshops throughout
North America. With Marytha Paffrath (also of Libana), she has
co-facilitated weekend workshops at Rowe Camp and Conference Center
and the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health (both in Western MA).
with Susan Robbins will be held Tuesday evenings October 16th
through November 27th at Third Life Studio, Union Square, Somerville.
Past Art of Group Singing classes have been fun, depthful, and joyous
experiences for those of us singing in the circle together, full of beautiful
music, expansive spirit, communal sensitivity, and openhearted expression.
Details are below.
Because Libana will be the featured artists in the 18 performances of
the Balkan-themed Christmas Revels at Harvard's Sanders Theater in
Cambridge, this fall's session is a little shorter than usual...!
(For tickets: )
If you are interested, please email a response with your intention to
take this class. ALSO fill out the registration form found at the bottom
of this email and return at your earliest convenience with a $30 deposit
to hold your place in the circle! Please make checks payable to
Susan Robbins and mail to:
Susan Robbins
Libana, Inc.
P.O.Box 400530
Cambridge, MA 02140
If you (or a friend) have further questions, please call at (617) 628-0916,
or email me at
In peace,
Susan Robbins, Founder and Artistic Director of Libana
A 7-week class for women with
Susan Robbins, Founder and Artistic Director of Libana
Singing in community is a powerful source of joy, celebration, and
ritual for women around the world. In this class, we will create mesmorizing
harmonies through the singing of rounds and chants, and learn songs
sung by women of many cultures. As we experiment with eclectic vocal
styles and colors, we'll bring increased awareness to relaxed, grounded
breathing, easeful vocal production and active listening. Come experience
the artful creation of group sound and spirit.
When: 7 Tuesday evenings: 10/16 through 11/27
Time: 7-9:15 pm
Cost: $210
Where: Third Life Studio, Union Square, Somerville, MA
Further details and directions provided upon registration.
Commitment to the entire session is expected.
Please email a response with your intention to take the classes.
ALSO fill out the registration form found at the bottom of this email
and return at your earliest convenience with a $30 deposit to hold your
place in the circle! Please make checks payable to Susan Robbins
(not Libana) and mail to:
Susan Robbins, Libana, Inc., P.O.Box 400530, Cambridge, MA 02140
For more information email
or call (617) 628-0916
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Susan Robbins is the Founder and Artistic Director of Libana, an
internationally renowned women's world music ensemble now in its 28th
performance season ( She has taught voice
privately for over 30 years and leads singing workshops throughout
North America. With Marytha Paffrath (also of Libana), she has
co-facilitated weekend workshops at Rowe Camp and Conference Center
and the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health (both in Western MA).
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
the Lily Pad
1353 Cambridge Street
Inman Square
Cambridge, MA
reservations / information
Donation $10.
John Licata - trombone
Benjamin Sharoni - tenor saxophone
John Arcaro - piano
Peter Moutis - drums
Dave Gold - bass
John Licata and Benjamin Sharoni have been mainstays of the local and national jazz scene for over 15 years, performing and recording with such noted artists as George Garzone, Josh Redman and Bill Pierce.
Recently returning from a series of New York engagements, trombonist John Licata and tenor saxophonist Benjamin Sharoni combine a rich blend of standards and original jazz tunes. Their influences are rooted in the 60s and 70s modern jazz era, with contemporary influences. Their powerful energy and dynamic music promises to take you on an intense journey into improvisational jazz at its best.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
the Lily Pad
1353 Cambridge Street
Inman Square
Cambridge, MA
reservations / information
Donation $10.
John Licata - trombone
Benjamin Sharoni - tenor saxophone
John Arcaro - piano
Peter Moutis - drums
Dave Gold - bass
John Licata and Benjamin Sharoni have been mainstays of the local and national jazz scene for over 15 years, performing and recording with such noted artists as George Garzone, Josh Redman and Bill Pierce.
Recently returning from a series of New York engagements, trombonist John Licata and tenor saxophonist Benjamin Sharoni combine a rich blend of standards and original jazz tunes. Their influences are rooted in the 60s and 70s modern jazz era, with contemporary influences. Their powerful energy and dynamic music promises to take you on an intense journey into improvisational jazz at its best.
Part-time sales position available starting now or sometime in August. Position is 16 hours per week year round and at least 32 hours per week in December. Looking for a friendly, responsible person who is enthusiastic about the arts/artisan made goods. Good work references a must, retail experience and a residence in Somerville a plus. Must be able to work independently and have a cooperative spirit. Schedule to be negotiated, some weekend days required.
We pay far above minimum wage and offer a store discount. We have great customers and value our local community. If interested, please send relevant work history, experience and references to either address below (please no phone calls) and to the attention of:
Patricia Wellenkamp
Owner, Blue Cloud Gallery
Part-time sales position available starting now or sometime in August. Position is 16 hours per week year round and at least 32 hours per week in December. Looking for a friendly, responsible person who is enthusiastic about the arts/artisan made goods. Good work references a must, retail experience and a residence in Somerville a plus. Must be able to work independently and have a cooperative spirit. Schedule to be negotiated, some weekend days required.
We pay far above minimum wage and offer a store discount. We have great customers and value our local community. If interested, please send relevant work history, experience and references to either address below (please no phone calls) and to the attention of:
Patricia Wellenkamp
Owner, Blue Cloud Gallery
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
In 2004 and again in 2006 Somerville photographer Dana Pearson traveled across Europe with only a backpack and his camera. Fourteen of those images are now on display at the Middle East restaurant, 472 Mass. ave., Cambridge. Free through August 31. Presented by Out of the Blue Gallery.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Washington street art center's call for films by local film markers, for our new monthly film series. Open to all types and length of films. This series will include a showing of the film in our gallery and then an artist talk afterwards. It is great opportunity to get feed back. We are accepting submission for the fall schedule; you can email a link to your website by emailing
Or send a sample DVD to:
WSAC local filmmaker series
Attn: Vanessa Thompson
321 Washington st
Somerville ma 02143
Or send a sample DVD to:
WSAC local filmmaker series
Attn: Vanessa Thompson
321 Washington st
Somerville ma 02143
(Brookline, MA -- August 6, 2007) The Brookline Arts Center is pleased to announce an exhibit of photographs by members of the Boston Camera Club. “BCC at the BAC” will run from September 4, 2007 through October 5, 2007. The juried show will feature the photography of seventeen member photographers.
In 1881 -- barely 50 years after the invention of photography -- a group of amateur photographers formed the Boston Society of Amateur Photography. Soon re-named the Boston Camera Club, these enthusiasts met to discuss their work and use the club’s state-of-the-art darkrooms.
Now, the Boston Camera Club meets each week in Brookline, Massachusetts. Discussion topics vary from printing and competitions, to portrait techniques and composition. The Brookline Arts Center exhibition was chosen by a jury and includes the accomplished works by 17 BCC members.
There will be an opening reception for the Boston Camera Club show on Thursday September 6, 2007 from 6 to 8:30 p.m.
A photo salon will also be offered by BCC photographers Mark Staples, Argie Staples, Kate Jones, Simon Pang and Peizhong Bao on Thursday October 4, 2007 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Both are free and open to the public. Photographers at all levels of ability are encouraged to bring examples of their work to share with the Photography Salon. Both special events are free and open to the public.
The show will coincide with the Brookline Art Center’s room-sized camera exhibit “Walk Inside the Camera,” from August 21, 2007 through September 14, 2007. The two shows will work together to illustrate changing photographic technologies, from the beginnings of photography with the camera obscura through today’s digital process.
The exhibition is open from Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information please visit the BAC website at or call 617.566.5715. Located at 86 Monmouth Street in Brookline, MA, the Brookline Arts Center is easily accessible from the St. Mary’s stop on the C line, the Fenway stop on the D line, and the CT2 and 47 bus stops.
In 1881 -- barely 50 years after the invention of photography -- a group of amateur photographers formed the Boston Society of Amateur Photography. Soon re-named the Boston Camera Club, these enthusiasts met to discuss their work and use the club’s state-of-the-art darkrooms.
Now, the Boston Camera Club meets each week in Brookline, Massachusetts. Discussion topics vary from printing and competitions, to portrait techniques and composition. The Brookline Arts Center exhibition was chosen by a jury and includes the accomplished works by 17 BCC members.
There will be an opening reception for the Boston Camera Club show on Thursday September 6, 2007 from 6 to 8:30 p.m.
A photo salon will also be offered by BCC photographers Mark Staples, Argie Staples, Kate Jones, Simon Pang and Peizhong Bao on Thursday October 4, 2007 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Both are free and open to the public. Photographers at all levels of ability are encouraged to bring examples of their work to share with the Photography Salon. Both special events are free and open to the public.
The show will coincide with the Brookline Art Center’s room-sized camera exhibit “Walk Inside the Camera,” from August 21, 2007 through September 14, 2007. The two shows will work together to illustrate changing photographic technologies, from the beginnings of photography with the camera obscura through today’s digital process.
The exhibition is open from Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information please visit the BAC website at or call 617.566.5715. Located at 86 Monmouth Street in Brookline, MA, the Brookline Arts Center is easily accessible from the St. Mary’s stop on the C line, the Fenway stop on the D line, and the CT2 and 47 bus stops.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Rescuing the Wetland at Danehy Park, Cambridge - September 5, 2007
On Wednesday, September 5, 2007, people who care about the wetland at Danehy Park in Cambridge will have an opportunity to help eradicate an invasive grass known as Common Reed (Phragmites australis) that is proliferating in this lovely natural area. Volunteers with garden pruners will cut the tops off of the plants, then professional pesticide applicators will drip a small amount of a wetland-approved herbicide (glyphosate) into each hollow stem. The herbicide will travel down to the roots of the plant and kill it without harming any other plants or animals. This work will be done with the support of the Danehy Park management and under a permit issued by the Cambridge Conservation Commission. Rain Date: Wednesday, September 12.
Anyone over 18 years old who can use garden pruners and doesn’t mind getting muddy feet is welcome to participate! You can sign up for one of two shifts: 1:00 to 2:45 pm or 3:00 to 4:45 pm. Volunteers will have no contact with the herbicide and will not need to wear protective clothing, although long pants and boots or old shoes are recommended. Pruners, gloves, water and refreshments will be provided.
Volunteers can park in the Danehy lot at 99 Sherman Street. To register and for details, e-mail Elizabeth Wylde at or call 617-959-7157 and leave your name and number.
Anyone over 18 years old who can use garden pruners and doesn’t mind getting muddy feet is welcome to participate! You can sign up for one of two shifts: 1:00 to 2:45 pm or 3:00 to 4:45 pm. Volunteers will have no contact with the herbicide and will not need to wear protective clothing, although long pants and boots or old shoes are recommended. Pruners, gloves, water and refreshments will be provided.
Volunteers can park in the Danehy lot at 99 Sherman Street. To register and for details, e-mail Elizabeth Wylde at or call 617-959-7157 and leave your name and number.
Friday, August 03, 2007
I just wanted to let you know about the upcoming Somerville News Poetry and Music Series. The event takes place the first Sunday of every month from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm at Porter Square Books (in the Porter Square Shopping Center —a stones throw from the T stop). Each month there is a poetry feature from 3:00 – 3:30, a music feature from 3:30 – 4:00, followed by an open mic from 4:00 – 5:00. All poets, songwriters, and other wordsmiths are welcome.< /FONT>
On Sunday, August 5th, we are lucky to have poet Deborah Priestly and singer/songwriter Mark Palmer as our features.
There will be NO show in September (due to Labor Day weekend), but there will be a show in October.
I hope to see you there!
On Sunday, August 5th, we are lucky to have poet Deborah Priestly and singer/songwriter Mark Palmer as our features.
There will be NO show in September (due to Labor Day weekend), but there will be a show in October.
I hope to see you there!
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
LYNN SUMMER PAGEANT - August 16, 2007
Celebrate your best friend on 3rd Thursday and more in Lynn’s Central Square. On Thursday, August 16, from 5PM to 8PM bring the dog to Central Square in Lynn for the 2nd Annual Dog Days of Summer Pageant sponsored by the Daily Item and Pet Express. There’ll be live music, art exhibitions and a parade of dogs competing for prizes including a Grand Prize of a year of free dog food! Our featured performer is the Austin Torpedoes. See the Greater Lynn Photographic Association’s Annual Member Exhibition at LynnArts and the Art of Lynn Folk at the Lynn Museum. Raw Art Works will have a family art-making activity and the Lynn Farmers’ Market stays open late. To pre-register your dog for the pageant visit
3rd Thursdays is presented by the Central Square Collaborative with generous support from the Massachusetts Cultural Council and the City of Lynn. For more information, visit!
Also, Mass Theatrica presents Opera Scenes and Arias at 7:30PM in the Neal Rantoul Vault Theatre at LynnArts. See for tickets and information.
Steve Negrón
Coordinator of 3rd Thursdays and
Director of Programs and Special Events
25 Exchange Street
Lynn, MA 01901
Celebrate your best friend on 3rd Thursday and more in Lynn’s Central Square. On Thursday, August 16, from 5PM to 8PM bring the dog to Central Square in Lynn for the 2nd Annual Dog Days of Summer Pageant sponsored by the Daily Item and Pet Express. There’ll be live music, art exhibitions and a parade of dogs competing for prizes including a Grand Prize of a year of free dog food! Our featured performer is the Austin Torpedoes. See the Greater Lynn Photographic Association’s Annual Member Exhibition at LynnArts and the Art of Lynn Folk at the Lynn Museum. Raw Art Works will have a family art-making activity and the Lynn Farmers’ Market stays open late. To pre-register your dog for the pageant visit
3rd Thursdays is presented by the Central Square Collaborative with generous support from the Massachusetts Cultural Council and the City of Lynn. For more information, visit!
Also, Mass Theatrica presents Opera Scenes and Arias at 7:30PM in the Neal Rantoul Vault Theatre at LynnArts. See for tickets and information.
Steve Negrón
Coordinator of 3rd Thursdays and
Director of Programs and Special Events
25 Exchange Street
Lynn, MA 01901
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.