Saturday, June 16, 2007
Thursday, June 28th, 6-8pm
Maynard Ecology Center, basement of Neville Place, 650 Concord Ave.
What kind of plants grow in the ponds at Fresh Pond Reservation? Come find out with the Massachusetts Weed Watchers, a program from the Department of Conservation and Recreation for monitoring non-native aquatic species. Members of the DCR will discuss how exotic species got into the ponds in the first place, methods of dispersal, and will provide guidance on performing bi-weekly monitoring and completing plant surveys. Then, the class will focus on identifying a variety of native and non-native species.
Participants are encouraged to bring their own samples. The DCR will teach us how to use a dichotomous key so that we can go out to our ponds and identify the plants there. We will be scheduling follow-up programs so that we can learn more about the plant life in our ponds and monitor them over time. It would be great if participants volunteer for some monitoring programs, but further involvement is not a requirement for this program. This evening's program will be held indoors.
Limit: 15 Participants
You will receive important information on parking when you register: E-mail Barbara Strell at or call (617) 349-4793 and leave your name and phone number.
Offered by Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation.
Maynard Ecology Center, basement of Neville Place, 650 Concord Ave.
What kind of plants grow in the ponds at Fresh Pond Reservation? Come find out with the Massachusetts Weed Watchers, a program from the Department of Conservation and Recreation for monitoring non-native aquatic species. Members of the DCR will discuss how exotic species got into the ponds in the first place, methods of dispersal, and will provide guidance on performing bi-weekly monitoring and completing plant surveys. Then, the class will focus on identifying a variety of native and non-native species.
Participants are encouraged to bring their own samples. The DCR will teach us how to use a dichotomous key so that we can go out to our ponds and identify the plants there. We will be scheduling follow-up programs so that we can learn more about the plant life in our ponds and monitor them over time. It would be great if participants volunteer for some monitoring programs, but further involvement is not a requirement for this program. This evening's program will be held indoors.
Limit: 15 Participants
You will receive important information on parking when you register: E-mail Barbara Strell at or call (617) 349-4793 and leave your name and phone number.
Offered by Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation.
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