Wednesday, August 16, 2006
"What the Fluff?" is a celebration of the genius of fluff creator Archibald
Query who invented it right here in 1917. The event will bring together
artists, musical and theatrical performers, inventors, and humorists to pay
yummy homage to this great American foodstuff in a madcap festival of
science meets nostalgia meets urban landscape.
We're looking for volunteers to participate in all aspects of the project
both in the weeks and days before the event and during the event itself.
Attend a planning meeting on Monday, August 21 at 6 pm at 66-70 Union
Square, Suite 103 -- upstairs from Toast Lounge.
If you can't attend but still want to participate contact us and we'll plug
you in.
Mimi Graney
Executive Director
Union Square Main Streets
P.O. Box One
Somerville, MA 02143
617-623-1392 x119
Query who invented it right here in 1917. The event will bring together
artists, musical and theatrical performers, inventors, and humorists to pay
yummy homage to this great American foodstuff in a madcap festival of
science meets nostalgia meets urban landscape.
We're looking for volunteers to participate in all aspects of the project
both in the weeks and days before the event and during the event itself.
Attend a planning meeting on Monday, August 21 at 6 pm at 66-70 Union
Square, Suite 103 -- upstairs from Toast Lounge.
If you can't attend but still want to participate contact us and we'll plug
you in.
Mimi Graney
Executive Director
Union Square Main Streets
P.O. Box One
Somerville, MA 02143
617-623-1392 x119
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