Saturday, July 15, 2006
Japanese Taiko Drumming Course - July 30, 2006
Here's advance notice for two upcoming Introductory Japanese Taiko Drum
Workshops offered at Third Life Studio --mark your calendars now! Please pass the
word to anyone you think might be interested--thanks!
SUNDAY, JULY 23rd 30th:
Mark Rooney of Odaiko New England ( will be offering
an introductory workshop in Japanese Taiko drumming for kids, ages 8-12 from
1-3pm at Third Life Studio in Union Square, Somerville.
Ever want to hit a drum really loud and shout at the top of your lungs? you
can experience first-hand the power and exhilaration of taiko drumming. Parents
are welcome to share in the spirit of creating kumidaiko (ensemble drumming)
Sign up early--Space is limited!!! For more information or to register,
please contact: Mark H. Rooney at 781-721-0521 or email
No experience necessary--come experience first hand the power and
exhilaration of taiko drumming! Be prepared to workout! Wear comfortable clothing, and bring a towel/mat to stretch, exercise on, and water to drink. Come with your
energy, spirit, and joy!
Space is limited to 20 people. Pre-registration is encouraged! Cost: $40
For more information or to register, contact Mark Rooney:
617-739-4134 or email
Third Life Studio
33 Union Square, Somerville, MA
Workshops offered at Third Life Studio --mark your calendars now! Please pass the
word to anyone you think might be interested--thanks!
SUNDAY, JULY 23rd 30th:
Mark Rooney of Odaiko New England ( will be offering
an introductory workshop in Japanese Taiko drumming for kids, ages 8-12 from
1-3pm at Third Life Studio in Union Square, Somerville.
Ever want to hit a drum really loud and shout at the top of your lungs? you
can experience first-hand the power and exhilaration of taiko drumming. Parents
are welcome to share in the spirit of creating kumidaiko (ensemble drumming)
Sign up early--Space is limited!!! For more information or to register,
please contact: Mark H. Rooney at 781-721-0521 or email
No experience necessary--come experience first hand the power and
exhilaration of taiko drumming! Be prepared to workout! Wear comfortable clothing, and bring a towel/mat to stretch, exercise on, and water to drink. Come with your
energy, spirit, and joy!
Space is limited to 20 people. Pre-registration is encouraged! Cost: $40
For more information or to register, contact Mark Rooney:
617-739-4134 or email
Third Life Studio
33 Union Square, Somerville, MA
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