Sunday, September 30, 2012
These events are FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend. You will receive directions and information on parking when you register. Unless otherwise directed, e-mail Elizabeth Wylde at or call 617-349-6489 and leave your name and phone number.
Saturday, October 13
8 to 10 am
Street end of Neville Place driveway
650 Concord Avenue
We will look for migrating songbirds and waterfowl that have stopped to rest and feed at the Reservation on their way south for the winter. We’ll also look for year-round Fresh Pond avian residents. Beginners are welcome! We have binoculars to lend and will show you how to use them.
Saturday, October 13
1 to 3 pm
Water Purification Facility Ranger Station
250 Fresh Pond Parkway
Take a natural and cultural history walk with Chief Ranger Jean Rogers. So many of us visit and enjoy Fresh Pond and have no idea what occurs when we are not here. This program will focus on 13 topics in time and place on the land between the Water Purification Facility and the newly renovated Black’s Nook.
Sunday, October 14
1 to 3 pm
Location given on registration
Join us as we remove the notoriously invasive common and glossy buckthorns that are taking over wooded areas on the Reservation. Groups and individuals are welcome. Tools and training provided. For registration and meeting location, e-mail Ranger Jean at or call 617-349-4793.
Monday, October 15
6 to 7:30 pm
Water Purification Facility front door
250 Fresh Pond Parkway
Come learn how water that falls as rain in the western suburbs is transported to Cambridge, purified into drinking water, and piped to our homes and businesses. Members of the Cambridge Water Department staff will describe the process, answer your questions, and give a tour of the building.
Sunday, October 21
12:30 to 2:30 pm
Street end of Neville Place driveway
650 Concord Avenue
Fresh Pond Reservation is an attractive resting place for a variety of birds – especially waterfowl – during the fall migration. We will use a telescope to get a good look at birds on the water and binoculars to look at songbirds. We have binoculars to lend and will show you how to use them. Beginners are welcome!
Sunday, October 21
1 to 3 pm
Maher Park parking lot
650 Concord Avenue
Learn about becoming a volunteer observer and citizen scientist at Fresh Pond. Ranger Jean Rogers will help us take note of the trees that live in the area so we can better understand how plants - and animals that depend on them - change from season to season. Record your observations and enter them into the Project Bud Burst National Data Bank. Enjoy this one-time opportunity or continue monitoring over time.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Got Fluff?
It's not too late to join the volunteer crew at What the Fluff? A Tribute to Union Square Invention on Saturday. Volunteers are needed for two-hour shifts helping with kids' games, our unique stage shows, or at the infamous Fluffy's on the Square.
Please contact Karin at if you can join us.
September is here and that means it’s time for Fluff! September 29th is the 7th annual What the Fluff? A Tribute to Union Square Invention.
Produced by Union Square Main Streets, "What the Fluff" celebrates the genius of Archibald Query who invented Fluff here in Union Sq. in 1917. This seventh annual event calls upon artists, musical and theatrical performers, inventors, humorists and the general public to celebrate the great American creation. We all know Fluff is out of this world and it's lighter than air, so for this go-around we explore Fluff in space. Fluffernutters were served at the International Space Station (it's true!) and we're bringing that space dust down to earth. Take that inspiration and may the Fluff be with you.
Volunteers are needed for two-hour shifts in a wide variety of tasks – from penny candy booth to kiddie games to the cooking contest, there are jobs to fit every personality. There are opportunities for friends to work together, and for mature children to work with their parents. There are a few special opportunities prior to the festival as well - including designing fluff-themed trophies.
The Festival is at Union Square Somerville on September 29th from 3 to 7 PM, with volunteers needed from noon until 8 PM. To sign up or to find out more, please contact Karin at
Fluffily yours,
Team Fluff
Karin Turer - Tugboat 23
Fundraising and Events for Grassroots Nonprofits
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
20th ANNUAL TOUR DE SOMERVILLE - October 13, 2012
On Saturday, October 13, the Somerville Bicycle Committee will lead the 20th annual Tour de Somerville.
This year's theme is "Edge of the City". We'll ride as close as possible to the Somerville city limits, in a 15-mile counter-clockwise loop. Our tour will visit the industrial grit of Boynton Yards and Inner Belt, the emerging development of Assembly Row, the leafy campus of Tufts University, and the parklands of the Mystic River and Alewife Brook.
Somerville police will help escort the ride, and Redbones will provide light refreshments at a rest stop by the Mystic River.
Meet on Saturday, October 13, at 10 am, at Seven Hills Park (behind the Holland Street MBTA entrance in Davis Square). We will depart promptly at 10:15.
In case of steady rain, we'll postpone the ride to Sunday, October 14, same time and location.
Map of the ride route (at
Facebook event
Ride poster (JPG)
Ride poster (PDF) - our page of Upcoming Events
Please register for each event that you plan to attend. Important information on parking will be given to you when you register. Unless otherwise instructed, e-mail Elizabeth Wylde at or call 617-349-6489 and leave your name and phone number.
These events are FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult.
Saturday, September 29
9:30 am to 2:30 pm
Ranger Station, Water Purification Facility
250 Fresh Pond Parkway
Join People Making a Difference Through Community Service (PMD) and Ranger Jean Rogers to work on fall projects that we need done at Fresh Pond. We’ll collect some seeds, take a visitor census every hour, mark some study areas, do some trail maintenance, and weed or rake. Bring a bag lunch and some water. Tools, gloves, and good company provided. Children under 14 must be accompanied by a participating adult. Dogs can take the day off.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
ARLINGTON MOSAIC ART EXHIBITION - September 29 - November 10, 2012
MOSAIC OASIS of Arlington, MA is curating an exhibit at the historic OLD SCHWAMB MILL at 17 Mill Lane (off Lowell Street), Arlington, MA 02476.
September 29-November 10, 2012. Visiting Hours: Tuesday and Saturday 11am - 3 pm.
Opening Reception, Saturday September 29, 2:30-4:30 pm. Closing Reception, Saturday November 10, 2-5 pm. Electronic Postcard below.
Come and enjoy mosaic art by over 35 New England mosaic artists.
Hello Artists,
Spaces are still available for the Saturday, October 6th and Sunday, October 7th Local Artist Markets.
On October 6th and 7th, Davis square will be filled with sounds from the HONK Festival. At the same time, local arts and crafts exhibitors will fill The Burren back room with a variety of media including: painting, photography, jewelry, handmade soaps,textiles, ceramics & much more.
If you would like to exhibit your work at SLAM Email Me for more information or go to: Exhibit @ SLAM
SLAM is in its third year and offers local artists a place to show and sell their work, as well as an opportunity for local residents to find a wide variety of art and handmade goods in one location.
All media is considered.
For more market information and exhibit details, check out the SLAM Website.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
2013 LCC grant guidelines, applications and information sessions announced
Second info session tomorrow
Thurs. Sept 20, 6-7:30 pm
Somerville Public Library
West Branch/40 College Ave.
Somerville Public Library
West Branch/40 College Ave.
Local Cultural Council (LCC) money is awarded by the Somerville Arts Council (SAC) once a year to support artists, schools, organizations, and special projects in Somerville. Grants are awarded for projects, fellowships, and educational residencies. In addition, the SAC offers grants specifically to Somerville schools in support of cultural fieldtrips.
Somerville LCC program grants are reviewed by SAC board members and local peers with expertise in the appropriate disciplines. Each year new panelists are convened to review new submissions.
Applicants must use the SAC's application forms--not the generic MCC/LCC application. Applicants must follow local guidelines for each new year.
LCC guidelines and applications can be found here: http://www. grants/grantforms
All applications must be postmarked by Monday, Oct. 15th.
We also offer grant information sessions. If you have ideas about a project but not sure how to plan one or if you merely have questions about our application forms, these meetings are a great way to meet with staff and learn more.
Wed. Sept 12, 3:30-5 pm
Somerville Public Library
Central Branch/79 Highland Ave.
Somerville Public Library
Central Branch/79 Highland Ave.
Thurs. Sept 20, 6-7:30 pm
Somerville Public Library
West Branch/40 College Ave.
Somerville Public Library
West Branch/40 College Ave.
Mon. Sept 24, 6-7:30 pm
Cross Street Senior Center
165 Broadway
Cross Street Senior Center
165 Broadway
For more information see our website: http://www. grants
Gregory Jenkins
Executive Director
Somerville Arts Council
City of Somerville
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone
We invite you to apply / share a new call for public art with yourartist community:
Sicilian Fisherman's Tribute in Boston's North End isherman%E2%80%99s-tribute
Deadline: Friday, September 28, 2012 at 5:00 pm
A work of public art is planned as a tribute to the Sicilian fishermen to be located on the north side of Long Wharf near the remnants of T Wharf, which along with Eastern Packard Pier and Commercial Wharf in Boston's North End formed the commercial center of activity for the neighborhood. Budget: $100,000 Eligibility: Open to New England artists isherman%E2%80%99s-tribute
Deadline: Friday, September 28, 2012 at 5:00 pm
A work of public art is planned as a tribute to the Sicilian fishermen to be located on the north side of Long Wharf near the remnants of T Wharf, which along with Eastern Packard Pier and Commercial Wharf in Boston's North End formed the commercial center of activity for the neighborhood. Budget: $100,000 Eligibility: Open to New England artists
Monday, September 17, 2012
on Saturday, September 29
from 10 AM to 4PM.
With summer winding down, many of us are thinking about clearing our 'STUFF" out of the cellar or the attic. But one person's junk is another's happy find. So make someone happy and support CAI's Peace Drum, Tribal Rhythms, and School Partnership programs at the same time. How can you lose?
We will be accepting your fantastic donations from September 27-29. If you'd like to volunteer to help and spend time with some really jazzy folks, give us a call at 617-524-6378.
Preferred donations are small appliances, electronics, children's games and toys, clothing, costume jewelry, decorative art items, camping gear, bikes, etc. No books, thanks, we have our own to get rid of!
Enjoy the rest of these lovely days of summer and we hope to hear from you soon!
Cooperative Artists Institute's Staff and Board of Directors
PS. Like us on Facebook if you do that kind of thing! Thanks.
PPS. And your donations are tax deductible too.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Hello Artists,
On Saturday October 6th and Sunday October 7th, Davis square will be filled with sounds from the HONK Festival. At the same time, local arts and crafts exhibitors will fill The Burren back room with a variety of media including: painting, photography, jewelry, handmade soaps,textiles, ceramics & much more.
Spaces are still available for this market. If you would like to exhibit your work at SLAM email me
for more information or go to: Exhibit @ SLAM
SLAM is in its third year and offers local artists a place to show and sell their work, as well as an opportunity for local residents to find a wide variety of art and handmade goods in one location.
All media is considered.
For more market information and exhibit details, check out the SLAM Website.
Saturday Local Artist's Market (S.L.A.M) @ The Burren, Davis Sq. Somerville
Monday, September 10, 2012
While Jed's Guitar Gently Weeps -- a benefit for the Animal Rescue League
You're favorite local musicians play Jed's guitar for charity, featuring Ward Hayden (Girls, Guns & Glory), Marc Pinansky (Township), Jenee Halstead, Paul Hansen (The Grownup Noise), Keith Pierce (Mellow Bravo), Kristen Ford and Dan Nicklin (OldJack)
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Doors: 7:30 pm / Show: 8 pm
Somerville, MA
Tickets available at
- Jed
The Boston Shipyard is a spectacular venue with 30 large-scale outdoor pieces of public art by artists from 3 continents, curated by Randi Hopkins from the ICA. Last years festival was a huge success, drawing massive crowds and amazing artists. This years festival is Saturday, September 22, 12pm-5pm in The Boston Shipyard & Marina. Entry fee.
For details email:
Sunday, September 09, 2012
13TH ANNUAL BOSTON COMEDY FESTIVAL - September 13 – 22, 2012
Ninety-Six Contestants Compete For 10K Prize
Judah Friedlander and Lenny Clarke Honored At Finals Gala Sept.22
Andy Kindler, Kevin Meaney, Jimmy Tingle On Stage at Davis Square Theatre
The 13th Annual Boston Comedy Festival (BCF) showcases some of America's best aspiring comics and local/national favorites, including Kevin Meaney, Andy Kindler, and Jimmy Tingle, and features a week-long competition, with ninety-six aspiring comics vying for a $10K prize and the chance to be discovered. The competition begins Sunday, September 16 (preliminary/semi-final shows are nightly at 7pm & 9pm at Davis Square Theater) and culminates with the 2012 Boston Comedy Festival Finals and Gala on Saturday, September 22 (8pm) at Somerville Theatre. The Gala, hosted by Tony V., features 2012 BCF Comedian of the Year Honoree Judah Friedlander, BCF Producing Artistic Director Jim McCue, and the eight contest finalists going head to head for laughs, money and fame. Tickets range from $12 to $25. Special thanks to the 2012 BCF sponsors 105.7 WROR and Vin DiBona Productions. Detailed schedule, venue and tickets information are available by calling 860-712-5093 at
Go to for schedules, venues, and tickets.
Thursday September 13
105.7 WROR's The Loren & Wally Comedy @ Bill Hanny's North Shore Music Theatre. with Tony V., Lenny Clarke, and National Headliner. Contact the venue at 978-232-7200 or for details and tickets.
Friday September 14
7:30pm - Chris Zito hosts some of Greater Boston's Funniest Media Personalities. Invited media include 96.9 Boston Talks' Michael Graham, 105.7's Hank Morse, WKLB's Lori Grande, Mix 104.1's Alicia Love and WXLO's Steve Donovan to benefit The Wounded Warrior Project ( ). Davis Square Theatre
9pm – TBA Davis Square Theatre
Saturday September 15
7pm - Jimmy Tingle will combine a screening of his award-winning film "Jimmy Tingle's American Dream" and a LIVE performance. Davis Square Theatre
9pm - Andy Kindler – Davis Square Theatre
Sunday September 16
7pm Prelims hosted by Orlando Baxter Davis Square Theatre
9pm Prelims host TBA Davis Square Theatre
Monday September 17
7pm Prelims hosted by Robbie Printz - Davis Square Theatre
9pm Prelims hosted by Dan Soder - Davis Square Theatre
Tuesday September 18
7pm Prelims hosted by Joe List - Davis Square Theatre
9pm Prelims hosted by Tom Dustin - Davis Square Theatre
Wednesday September 19
7pm Prelims hosted hosted b Mehran with Special Guest Joe Wong
8pm – Special Event TBA – Burren
9pm Prelims host TBA Davis Square Theatre
Thursday September 20
7pm Semi Finals with host Dave McDonough Davis Square Theatre
8pm – Special Event TBA – Burren
9pm Semi finals Host TBA Davis Square Theatre
Friday September 21
7pm Semi Finals host TBA Davis Square Theatre
9pm Semi Finals host TBA Davis Square Theatre
Saturday September 22
8pm Tony V hosts BCF Contest Finale and Gala with Jim McCue. Eight contestants compete head to head for $10k cash prize. The Lenny Clark Honored with Lifetime Achievement Award and World Champion Judah Friedlander To Be Honored with 2012 BCF Comedian of the Year. Somerville Theater
8pm – Kevin Meaney – Big Pants People of the world unite… your leader Comedian and Actor is here on he's on a mission of mirth. Davis Square Theatre
10pm - The World Champion Judah Friedlander Davis Square Theatre
SOMERVILLE GALLERY 631 OPENING - September 8-29, 2012
Gallery 321 @ The Washington Street Art Center Presents:
The Dream Team: Coyne, Creamer, Feinstein, Leone
321 Washington Street, Somerville
September 8–September 29, 2012
OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, Septemaber 8, 2012. From 7–10 p.m.
ON VIEW: Saturdays 12-4 p.m., and by appointment
For high-resolution photos and/or interviews, the press should contact: Lauren Leone at, Megan at, Alex Feinsten at
Work by Sarah Coyne, Megan Creamer, Alex Feinstein, and Lauren Leone is on display at WSAC the month of September.
Dream Team is an exhibit by four artists working together in spirit, yet individually in practice, in painting, drawing, fibers, mixed media, and cut paper. The concepts for the show were developed collaboratively by the artists, and touch on themes of process, the passage of time, and the confidence in one’s
ability to create, as well as the need for community and the friendship of fellow artists. Through several meetings and dozens of email chains filled with lofty ideas, mixed emotions, articles, reference photos, time-lapse videos, and animated gifs, these four artists have developed their own concepts for this show, with one another. Dream Team is four artists who are all #1.
Coyne’s work shows the potential of all things to be great, documenting natural history, family history, and the process of creating art. In watercolor, ink, and mixed media, Coyne beautifully and tenderly details the life and growth of herbs from seed through to harvest for medicinal purposes.
Creamer’s work shows process in bursts of speed interspersed between long periods of dormancy. Using the imagery of creeping coral reefs and waves building from a ripple in the middle of the ocean to an 9 foot wave crashing on the shore, Creamer’s work moves through the kernel of an idea scratched in a sketchbook to the final work looming in yards of cut black paper 7 months later.
Feinstein’s work views the concept of choice with a flat associative hierarchy, treating each option as a separate world and exploring the parallel realities created when we try to envision the future. Working in painting and drawing, Feinstein simultaneously reflects on past experiences and imagines possible future paths using the imagery of potential tattoos; all equally as ridiculous as they are serious.
Leone’s work meditates on the passage of time in the form of a large-scale calendar. Each day is summarized through the use of symbols, song lyrics, and the images and phrases that make up her internal monologue. Using embroidery, drawing, and stenciling, she creates a mixed media representation of a daily diary, exposing the intensely personal with a dry wit.
Apply Now for a Cambridge Arts Grant - September 20, 2012
CCTV received a grant for "Girls Click," digital storytelling for middle school girls.
Application Deadline: Mon. Oct. 15, 2012 at 5:00pm
Grant Workshops
Get insider tips on preparing a successful grant application. Free! All are welcome!
Thursday, September 20, 2012, 6:00-8:00pm
Grant Writing Workshop: Bring a draft of your proposal for review.
Cambridge Arts Council, City Hall Annex
344 Broadway, 2nd Fl.
Please RSVP by Thursday, September 13 to or call 617-349-4381.
CAC Grant Guidelines and Applications are currently available at the Cambridge Arts Council and online:
Saturday, September 08, 2012
This national juried competition is open to all young people ages 14-18. We are looking for three photographic images that address a social issue. Every person who enters will have their work displayed on our website. They will also receive a personal scorecard from our judges along with a certificate of participation. The top winner will identify a "cause" to support, and choose one not-for-profit organization in the country to receive a $500 donation on their behalf. Prizes will also be awarded to the top scorers including photographic equipment, fine art books, magazine subscriptions, and more. Entry fee.
Now accepting proposals from Francophone and Francophile visual artists for our Summer & Fall 2013 month long exhibitions to be installed in our first floor gallery in our historic Back Bay mansion. We accept proposals for individual and small group exhibitions. We require exhibitions to have an articulate central idea linked to a Francophone culture or French culture, convincingly presented by the works shown in the proposal. This idea must be expressed in a brief artist’s statement. The show can include works in a single medium or several mediums, including painting, drawing, and photography. Entry fee.
For us at Panopticon Gallery, and to all of the people who have been part of re-introducing Harold Feinstein's classic black & white work to the masses, I have to say that this has been one wild ride on the Coney Island Cyclone!
Harold Feinstein | A Retrospective will be on display at Panopticon Gallery from September 14 - October 31, 2012. We hope many of you will come to the opening on Friday Sept. 14th from 5:30-7:30pm to meet and mingle with Harold.
Harold has told me on numerous occasions that he has been waiting since he was 15 years old for a book of this work to be published......and he is serious! He's now 81 years old! I am glad we were able to make his dream come true. We are hoping to have some copies available at the opening reception, with more copies to come in early October.
Pre-Order your copy now! Visit: Nazraeli Press
THIS JUST IN... The Independent on Sunday, one of the UK's largest newspapers wrote a fabulous story about Harold just this past weekend. I placed a transcript of it on our blog. Read It Here
Stephen Sheffield
Stephen Sheffield's photographs depict both everyday and unusual events, all framed by his unique, and occasionally dark, sense of humor. His masterful storytelling, use of traditional film and non traditional photographic techniques including, alternative processes, mural printing, and large-scale photo assemblage combine to give his work a unique and cinematic mood.
Alipio Hernandez
Alipio Hernandez is a recent graduate of the New England School of Photography. His series 'Ambiguous' was inspired by stories his grandmother use to tell him when he was a young child growing up in Venezuela.
Alipio uses clothing dye to tone the portraits in his gelatin silver prints before he cuts them apart and stitches them back together. In some instances, these rather straight-forward portraits become abstracts - facial features are moved around and/or double exposed, creating a sense of movement and obscurity.
Come meet Stephen Sheffield and Alipio Hernandez during our opening reception
Friday, September 14th from 5:30-7:30pm.
Atelieri O. Haapala
I met Saara Salmi and Marco Melander this year at FotoFest in Houston, TX. They were my very first meeting on the first day of the portfolio review event. I was surprised and excited to see this husband and wife duo using a 19th century photographic style to display their unique portraits. The look and feel of their cabinet cards were mesmerizing. I was hooked!
Atelieri O. Haapala is a Neo-Victorian portraiture studio and brainchild of Helsinki, Finland based photographers Saara Salmi and Marco Melander. The studio seeks to create and renew the Victorian epoch by means of photography and performance art. The protagonists of this reenactment are Mrs. Onyxei Haapala and her faithful companion Mr. Helmut Schweinstein.
Atelieri O. Haapala does not aspire to faithfully replicate history, but rather to create fiction nostalgically inspired by the visual realm of the 19th and the 20th century, an era characterized by optimism and strong faith in technological development.
CLICK HERE to see more of these amazing cabinet cards!
» The Improper Bostonian named Panopticon Gallery, 'Best Gallery' in their 2012 Best of Boston issue.
» William Wegman has a large museum exhibition titled Hello Nature at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art through October 21.
» Stephen Sheffield and Lindsey Beal will be in the group exhibition Love, Hate and Everything In Between at StoneCrop Gallery, opening Saturday, September 15th.
» Fran Forman's work will be on exhibit at the 11th Shanghai International Graphic Art Exhibition this October in China.
» Here is My Top 10 Books on Collecting Photography.
» How good do you read a photograph? Interpreting a photograph | Stella Johnson in Greece .
» I'll be reviewing portfolios this fall at Atlanta Celebrates Photography, LensCulture FotoFest Paris and PhotoNOLA.
» As we aim to expand our social media presence, we urge you to:
Like Us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
Read about our artists on our gallery Blog.
Watch videos on our YouTube channel. Share it on Tumblr
Panopticon Gallery
Inside Hotel Commonwealth
502c Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215
Hours: Tue–Sat 9:30-4:30pm
Friday, September 07, 2012
Grants are available in the categories of Crafts, Dramatic Writing, and Sculpture/Installation. Artist Fellowships are competitive, anonymously judged awards of $7,500. Finalists receive $500. The grants provide direct support to individual artists in recognition of artistic excellence.
Somerville's HONK! To Make Streets For People - October 5-7, 2012
We invite you to attend a meeting to hear about ways you can get involved in the upcoming HONK! Festival-October 5, 6 and 7 in Davis Square.
The festival needs help of all kinds!!!
Monday, September 10, 6:30-8:45 pm
Somerville Public Library West Branch
40 College Ave., Somerville
Individuals and groups interested in participating in the HONK! Parade to Reclaim the Streets for Horns, Bikes and Feet on Sunday of HONK! weekend are also encouraged to attend.
For more information, contact
sign up at
Thursday, September 06, 2012
LCC Public Meeting
The Lynn Cultural Council and Chairman, David Parsons invite those interested in learning more about applying for grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
7-9 PM @ LynnArts
25 Exchange St. Lynn, MA 01901
If you are, or interested in, applying for a grant attend this meeting to receive more information, and better understand the criteria of the process.
The LCC Program is the most extensive system of its kind in the nation to help maintain arts, sciences and humanities. This is done by providing grants and/or programming to support culture in every Massachusetts City and Town.
To learn more about the MCC and the LCC program please,
Don't miss this opportunity! Calling all local Lynn artists!
This is the perfect opportunity to learn more about how you can finally expand your gallery project; instruct that workshop you think everyone would benefit from; put on that play you wrote; teach a salsa class in the Lynn community; or even host a series of concerts for your City! You can do it, and the LCC is there for you to get the ball rolling!
Deadline for applying for a grant is October 15, 2012. Come with questions and get the answers you need.
Puritans, Native Americans, and the clash over land in 1630
Fisher Museum
Harvard Forest
324 North Main Street
Petersham, MA
September 23rd, 2012
Exhibit Highlight Page
An immersive digital multimedia art exhibit about the roles of Christianity, Native worldviews and land use in 17th century central Massachusetts
Through site-specific projections of landscape photography, high-definition video, forest audio recordings, historic voiceover texts and music, First Contact immerses visitors in the minds of 17th century peoples as they struggled to reconcile opposing notions about land use. This dissonance resonates in today’s world.
Created, filmed, photographed, edited and sound designed by Roberto Mighty, MFA
Artist-in-Residence, Harvard Forest
17th Century text
John Cotton
Daniel Gookin
Francis Higginson
Thomas Morton
Roger Williams
Historical Text translations & voiceovers
Ben Crystal, London, Original Pronunciation specialist
Paul Meier, Director of Theater Department, University of Kansas
David Tall Pine White, Brimfield, MA Nipmuc Nation Language Teacher
Roger Williams, Missionary and Founder of Rhode Island
Science Commentators
David Foster, Director, Harvard Forest
Aaron Ellison, Senior Research Fellow in Ecology, Harvard Forest
Emery Boose, Senior Researcher and Information Manager, Harvard Forest
Ed Faison, Research Fellow, Highstead
David Orwig, Forest Ecologist, Harvard Forest
Special Thanks
Clarisse Hart
Edythe Ellin
Laurie Chiasson
Cheryl Toney Holley
Donna Rae Gould
Jonathan Robinson
James Baird
Christine Mandell
Kathryn Howell
Katharine Taylor Mighty
Dr. Bertram Ashe
Roberto Mighty, MFA
Artist-in-Residence, Harvard Forest
Art/New Media
Adjunct Professor
Visual & Media Arts Department
Emerson College
180 Tremont Street
Suite 916C
Boston, MA 02116
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Hello Artists!
WMBR is looking for designs to use on fundraising swag.
WMBR is a college/community radio station affiliated with MIT. We are a local, non-commercial station, broadcasting at 88.1fm, and online at We are 100% volunteer, with no paid staff. This is rare - even among other local college and public stations. Our only sources of income are listener donations and a small stipend from MIT.
Each November, we host a week-long fundraising drive to replenish our capital budget and keep the station on air for another year. Typically, we offer various wmbr-branded premiums to donors as our way of saying thanks and for them to wear in support of the station.
This year, we will offer:
- Embroidered knit hats
- Short sleeve shirts
- Long sleeve shirts
- An embroidered messenger bag
- A sticker
Each year we choose different designs for these premiums, which is where you come in! We are reaching out to the local artist community for logos or other images. While we can't provide cash payment, any designers whose images we use will receive publicity via on-air mentions and on our website, as well as ample samples of their work on the actual premiums. In addition, you'll be helping out one of the premiere radio stations in the region.
If you're interested in helping us out, please respond by Friday, August 31. Reply to me at with a jpeg or link to your proposed design. Rough drafts are welcome if accompanied by examples of other finished work.
You can see examples of previously used artwork here:
(you don't need to have a facebook account to view these)
We've had a great response when we've reached out to this community in previous years. Thanks for your consideration and please feel free to pass this along to anyone you feel might be interested!
Saturday, September 01, 2012
I would like to invite you to First Friday Open Studios, this Friday, September 7th., from 5-9 pm., at 450 Harrison Ave., Studio 227, Boston, MA.
As always this month, in addition to new prints from my personal collection, I will continue to feature newly restored and printed photographs of early 20th century China from the archive of my Grandfather, William Leete. I will also have new examples of client work, both photography and Fine-Art reproductions.
Finally, the building's 20 galleries and more than 50 artists' studios will be open. There is off street parking at 500 Harrison Avenue as well as on street parking. The MBTA Silver Line stop is East Berkeley, just one block away.
See you Friday!
Bill Morse
Wm. Morse Editions
A Fine-Art Printmaking Studio
450 Harrison Avenue, Studio 227
Boston, MA 02118 (617) 429-3298
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.