Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Seeking an experienced and energetic Music Director to succeed our current director, who is retiring after 18 years. The responsibilities of the position will begin in August 2008. The Music Director will be involved in all aspects of chorus operations including music selection, all rehearsals and performances, program budgeting, and working with the Board of Directors. This is a 9-month, salaried, non-benefit position with an annual renewable contract. Salary will be commensurate with experience and background.
Search Committee
Cambridge Community Chorus
Box 390278
Cambridge MA 02139-0022
Search Committee
Cambridge Community Chorus
Box 390278
Cambridge MA 02139-0022
Come by WSAC this Friday for the opening of my new show, at 7 PM.
You can see a photo at .
Entanglement - Strange Interaction at a Distance
Photography by Lee Kilpatrick
Opening Friday November 2, 7-9 PM
Exhibition from November 2-24
Gallery Hours
Saturdays 12-4 or by appointment
Gallery 321 at the Washington Street Art Center
321 Washington Street
Somerville, MA 02143
Is there an elegant way to eat on the ground? Where do a woman's
eyes go when she puts a cup to her lips? In his new show,
Entanglement - Strange Interaction at a Distance, photographer Lee
Kilpatrick freezes moments we mistakenly think too mundane for film.
A bride eating Cheese Nips looks both strange and commonplace as she
squints into the sun; a woman at a picnic bench seems not to notice
the body sprawled on the grass behind her. Kilpatrick's subjects
seem unaware of each other and of the photographer. Their
preoccupation amid universal settings or activities highlights both
the absurdity and familiarity of expressions we all use. Whether
depicting a man eating a banana or a couple flirting at a party,
Kilpatrick shows us how much we reveal when we think nobody's looking.
Kilpatrick is the Director of the Washington Street Art Center in
Somerville. He has shown his photos at the Willoughby & Baltic
Gallery, Somerville Open Studios, and Diesel Café. The Mary Baker
Eddy Library chose him in 2005 as a panelist on photography in
everyday life, and in 2006 Arts Somerville voted him an "Artist of
the Month." He received his BA in Computer Science at MIT in 1991,
and has since been bridging the gap between art and science.
The Washington Street Art Center houses Gallery 321; hosts studio
space for more than twenty visual artists; and presents exhibitions,
concerts, film series, and other art initiatives. The Center
participates in Somerville Open Studios each May and an annual open
studios craft fair in December.
The Washington Street Art Center is located between Union Square and
Beacon Street-a five-minute walk from Union Square and a ten-minute
walk from Harvard Square (two blocks from Beacon Street). Accessible
on the #86 bus. Parking is free and ample.
For more information:
You can see a photo at .
Entanglement - Strange Interaction at a Distance
Photography by Lee Kilpatrick
Opening Friday November 2, 7-9 PM
Exhibition from November 2-24
Gallery Hours
Saturdays 12-4 or by appointment
Gallery 321 at the Washington Street Art Center
321 Washington Street
Somerville, MA 02143
Is there an elegant way to eat on the ground? Where do a woman's
eyes go when she puts a cup to her lips? In his new show,
Entanglement - Strange Interaction at a Distance, photographer Lee
Kilpatrick freezes moments we mistakenly think too mundane for film.
A bride eating Cheese Nips looks both strange and commonplace as she
squints into the sun; a woman at a picnic bench seems not to notice
the body sprawled on the grass behind her. Kilpatrick's subjects
seem unaware of each other and of the photographer. Their
preoccupation amid universal settings or activities highlights both
the absurdity and familiarity of expressions we all use. Whether
depicting a man eating a banana or a couple flirting at a party,
Kilpatrick shows us how much we reveal when we think nobody's looking.
Kilpatrick is the Director of the Washington Street Art Center in
Somerville. He has shown his photos at the Willoughby & Baltic
Gallery, Somerville Open Studios, and Diesel Café. The Mary Baker
Eddy Library chose him in 2005 as a panelist on photography in
everyday life, and in 2006 Arts Somerville voted him an "Artist of
the Month." He received his BA in Computer Science at MIT in 1991,
and has since been bridging the gap between art and science.
The Washington Street Art Center houses Gallery 321; hosts studio
space for more than twenty visual artists; and presents exhibitions,
concerts, film series, and other art initiatives. The Center
participates in Somerville Open Studios each May and an annual open
studios craft fair in December.
The Washington Street Art Center is located between Union Square and
Beacon Street-a five-minute walk from Union Square and a ten-minute
walk from Harvard Square (two blocks from Beacon Street). Accessible
on the #86 bus. Parking is free and ample.
For more information:
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Health Insurance Deadlines Are Soon—
Make Sure That You Have Health Insurance Now
Dear Friends,
Now is the time to begin securing health insurance before the end of the year.
All Massachusetts citizens must have proof of health insurance by December 31, 2007, as required by the new health insurance mandate.
If you do not have health insurance, you must begin the process now by contacting the Health Care for All helpline (1-800-272-4232) to determine your eligibility for free or subsidized health insurance through the state and to receive advice on your best options.
The telephone service is free and is available between 9 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday. You can also visit their website at and click on the Helpline button. You will need to know your adjusted gross income from your income tax return to determine eligibility.
Health insurance plans usually begin enrollment at the first of the month. So, you should plan to select your best insurance option by November 15 to meet the state deadline.
For more information specific to artists and arts organizations, please visit
Dan Hunter
Exectuive Director
Massachusetts Advocates for the Arts, Sciences & Humanities (MAASH)
Make Sure That You Have Health Insurance Now
Dear Friends,
Now is the time to begin securing health insurance before the end of the year.
All Massachusetts citizens must have proof of health insurance by December 31, 2007, as required by the new health insurance mandate.
If you do not have health insurance, you must begin the process now by contacting the Health Care for All helpline (1-800-272-4232) to determine your eligibility for free or subsidized health insurance through the state and to receive advice on your best options.
The telephone service is free and is available between 9 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday. You can also visit their website at and click on the Helpline button. You will need to know your adjusted gross income from your income tax return to determine eligibility.
Health insurance plans usually begin enrollment at the first of the month. So, you should plan to select your best insurance option by November 15 to meet the state deadline.
For more information specific to artists and arts organizations, please visit
Dan Hunter
Exectuive Director
Massachusetts Advocates for the Arts, Sciences & Humanities (MAASH)
HUMAN RIGHTS FILM SERIES - October 30 - November 15, 2007
Amnesty International Group 133 and the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard University invite you to a free film screening Tuesday night at 7PM of Total Denial (79 JFK Street, Wiener Auditorium, Taubman Building, Ground Floor). Please join us for this powerful documentary about the Doe v. Unocal case involving Burmese villagers and EarthRights International against the Unocal oil company. The villagers used the Alien Tort Claims Act to challenge the severe human rights abuses committed during Unocal's collaboration with the Burmese government while building a new oil pipeline.
We are very fortunate to have a fantastic panel discussion after the screening about the Unocal case as well as the current situation in Burma:
Aye Aye San - Human Rights Activist/Former Political Prisoner from Burma
Mark McDowell - Canadian Diplomat to Burma, Thailand, and Laos, 2003–2007
Shanti Maung - Student Activist, Harvard Burma Action Group
Tyler Giannini - Co-founder, EarthRights International/ Clinical Director, Harvard Law School Human Rights Program
------ Upcoming Films -------
Amnesty International Group 133 will be screening two more films as part of our Global Fight for Human Rights film series. See below for details.
Invisible Children
Thursday, November 15th 7-9.30pm
This Building Community
24 Webster Avenue
Somerville, MA 02143
"A film that exposes the tragic realities of northern Uganda's night commuters and child soldiers."
The Devil Came on Horseback
Tentatively, November 27th 7-9.30pm
Wiener Auditorium, Taubman Building, Ground Floor
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
79 JFK Street, Cambridge, MA
"This award-winning documentary film exposes the tragedy taking place in Darfur as seen through the eyes of an American witness who has since returned to the US to take action to stop it."
We are very fortunate to have a fantastic panel discussion after the screening about the Unocal case as well as the current situation in Burma:
Aye Aye San - Human Rights Activist/Former Political Prisoner from Burma
Mark McDowell - Canadian Diplomat to Burma, Thailand, and Laos, 2003–2007
Shanti Maung - Student Activist, Harvard Burma Action Group
Tyler Giannini - Co-founder, EarthRights International/ Clinical Director, Harvard Law School Human Rights Program
------ Upcoming Films -------
Amnesty International Group 133 will be screening two more films as part of our Global Fight for Human Rights film series. See below for details.
Invisible Children
Thursday, November 15th 7-9.30pm
This Building Community
24 Webster Avenue
Somerville, MA 02143
"A film that exposes the tragic realities of northern Uganda's night commuters and child soldiers."
The Devil Came on Horseback
Tentatively, November 27th 7-9.30pm
Wiener Auditorium, Taubman Building, Ground Floor
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
79 JFK Street, Cambridge, MA
"This award-winning documentary film exposes the tragedy taking place in Darfur as seen through the eyes of an American witness who has since returned to the US to take action to stop it."
Hey Somerville Artists - Free Packing Peanuts are available at the Cambridge Artists Cooperative in Harvard Square!
The CAC is currently overrun with extra Styrofoam Packing Peanuts and will be giving them away for free to whoever wants them. We don't want to throw them away but have no more room for them. They are a great cushion when shipping ceramics, glass, wood etc...
The packing peanuts are available on a first come first serve basis, and you need to come to the store to pick them up yourself. To make sure we still have some available please call the Gallery at 617-868-4434.
The CAC is currently overrun with extra Styrofoam Packing Peanuts and will be giving them away for free to whoever wants them. We don't want to throw them away but have no more room for them. They are a great cushion when shipping ceramics, glass, wood etc...
The packing peanuts are available on a first come first serve basis, and you need to come to the store to pick them up yourself. To make sure we still have some available please call the Gallery at 617-868-4434.
Somerville Museum will be hosting its 9th Annual Holiday Sale on Saturday & Sunday, December 1st & 2nd, 2007. The two day event will be held at "The Somerville Museum, One Westwood Road (@ Central St.), Somerville, MA" from 11am-5pm.
You can find the event information and the application attached with this email. The deadline for the applications has been extended to November 3rd 2007 since we are looking for a couple more artists for the show.
For more information contact me at:
Phone: 213-254-7835
You can find the event information and the application attached with this email. The deadline for the applications has been extended to November 3rd 2007 since we are looking for a couple more artists for the show.
For more information contact me at:
Phone: 213-254-7835
CC@MIT -- MIT-Underground Railway Theater collaboration
presents staged reading of 'The Water Engine' Dec. 3-4
Cambridge, MA...Catalyst Collaborative at MIT (CC@MIT), a collaboration between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Underground Railway Theater (URT), continues its series of staged readings with "The Water Engine: An American Fable," an early work by David Mamet.
Two readings of "The Water Engine" will be held: the first on Monday, December 3, at 7 p.m. in Room 34-101 at MIT (50 Vassar St.) and the second on Tuesday, December 4 at 7 p.m. at the Cambridge Family YMCA Theatre (820 Massachusetts Ave., Central Square).
Following the December 3 reading at MIT, there will be a post performance conversation with Rosalind Williams, Bern Dibner Professor of the History of Science and Technology at MIT.
Sheldon Krimsky, Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, School of Arts and Sciences at Tufts University will lead the post performance discussion following the December 4 reading at the Cambridge Family YMCA Theatre.
Performed in the style of a 1930s radio drama, Jon Lipsky directs a cast of eight, which includes Ken Baltin, Brooke Ditchfield, Khalil Fleming, Michael Kaye, Richard McElvain, Robert Murphy, Vincent E. Siders, and Debra Wise, portraying 30 characters. Sound designer Bill Barclay will recreate the aural feeling of radio presentations.
Seating for both readings of "The Water Engine" is limited; no tickets or reservations are necessary.
CC@MIT is a unique collaboration between MIT and Underground Railway Theater (URT), a 29 year-old community-based professional theater. CC@MIT is dedicated to developing new plays about science to provide the public with a better understanding of our increasingly scientific and technological world. By pairing MIT's expertise in science and technology and URT's artistic excellence and history of community involvement, CC@MIT is poised to make significant contributions to the role of science in society.
A fully staged production of "Q.E.D.," Peter Parnell's play about Nobel Prize-winning physicist and MIT alumnus Richard Feynman (1928-1988), will be CC@MIT's inaugural production when the new Central Square Theater opens in Spring 2008.
For more information on the MIT presentation of "The Water Engine," call (617) 253-ARTS (2787); for more information on Underground Railway Theater and their upcoming performance of "Q.E.D.," call (781) 643-6916 or e-mail
About 'The Water Engine'
First written in 1976 as a radio play, "The Water Engine," is set at the Hall of Science at the1934 Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago. Factory worker Charles Lang has invented an engine that runs exclusively on distilled water, but when he tries to patent his design he finds himself beset by hoodlum-like attorneys, sinister corporate interests, and oil companies who don't want the competition.
The show was staged at The Public Theater in 1977 and transferred to Broadway in 1978. A made-for-television version first aired in 1992.
Lynn Heinemann, MIT Office of the Arts
(617) 253-5351, e-mail
Gia Podobinski, Central Square Theater
(781) 643-6916, e-mail
presents staged reading of 'The Water Engine' Dec. 3-4
Cambridge, MA...Catalyst Collaborative at MIT (CC@MIT), a collaboration between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Underground Railway Theater (URT), continues its series of staged readings with "The Water Engine: An American Fable," an early work by David Mamet.
Two readings of "The Water Engine" will be held: the first on Monday, December 3, at 7 p.m. in Room 34-101 at MIT (50 Vassar St.) and the second on Tuesday, December 4 at 7 p.m. at the Cambridge Family YMCA Theatre (820 Massachusetts Ave., Central Square).
Following the December 3 reading at MIT, there will be a post performance conversation with Rosalind Williams, Bern Dibner Professor of the History of Science and Technology at MIT.
Sheldon Krimsky, Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, School of Arts and Sciences at Tufts University will lead the post performance discussion following the December 4 reading at the Cambridge Family YMCA Theatre.
Performed in the style of a 1930s radio drama, Jon Lipsky directs a cast of eight, which includes Ken Baltin, Brooke Ditchfield, Khalil Fleming, Michael Kaye, Richard McElvain, Robert Murphy, Vincent E. Siders, and Debra Wise, portraying 30 characters. Sound designer Bill Barclay will recreate the aural feeling of radio presentations.
Seating for both readings of "The Water Engine" is limited; no tickets or reservations are necessary.
CC@MIT is a unique collaboration between MIT and Underground Railway Theater (URT), a 29 year-old community-based professional theater. CC@MIT is dedicated to developing new plays about science to provide the public with a better understanding of our increasingly scientific and technological world. By pairing MIT's expertise in science and technology and URT's artistic excellence and history of community involvement, CC@MIT is poised to make significant contributions to the role of science in society.
A fully staged production of "Q.E.D.," Peter Parnell's play about Nobel Prize-winning physicist and MIT alumnus Richard Feynman (1928-1988), will be CC@MIT's inaugural production when the new Central Square Theater opens in Spring 2008.
For more information on the MIT presentation of "The Water Engine," call (617) 253-ARTS (2787); for more information on Underground Railway Theater and their upcoming performance of "Q.E.D.," call (781) 643-6916 or e-mail
About 'The Water Engine'
First written in 1976 as a radio play, "The Water Engine," is set at the Hall of Science at the1934 Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago. Factory worker Charles Lang has invented an engine that runs exclusively on distilled water, but when he tries to patent his design he finds himself beset by hoodlum-like attorneys, sinister corporate interests, and oil companies who don't want the competition.
The show was staged at The Public Theater in 1977 and transferred to Broadway in 1978. A made-for-television version first aired in 1992.
Lynn Heinemann, MIT Office of the Arts
(617) 253-5351, e-mail
Gia Podobinski, Central Square Theater
(781) 643-6916, e-mail
Monday, October 29, 2007
“Two Tributes to Carolee Schneemann and Her Impact On Today’s Experimental Art Forms”,
held in conjunction with the exhibition “Carolee Schneemann”, curated by Heide Hatry at the Pierre Menard Gallery through November 25
-- Sunday, November 4th, 4 pm: “Carolee Schneemann: a live performance and film tribute”: followed by a panel discussion. Dedicated to Carolee Schneemann and her influence on current work being done in Boston. Curated by Jed Speare and Michelle Handelman; with performances by Heide Hatry, Theresa Byrnes and Mari Novotny-Jones; films by Lydia Eccles, Jesse Jagtiani, Michelle Handelman and Luther Price, ; followed by a panel discussion with the artists. $5 donation. At Studio Soto, 63 Melcher St, 1st Floor, Boston,, 617-426-7686.
-- Tuesday, November 20th, 8 pm: “Carolee Schneemann: a film tribute night” featuring Schneemann’s “Fuses”, “Plumbline”, and “Kitch’s Last Meal”. Shown and introduced by Saul Levine. $4 donation. At Mass. College of Art, MassArt Film Society, Screening Room 1, East Hall, 621 Huntington Ave., Boston,, 617-879-7441.
held in conjunction with the exhibition “Carolee Schneemann”, curated by Heide Hatry at the Pierre Menard Gallery through November 25
-- Sunday, November 4th, 4 pm: “Carolee Schneemann: a live performance and film tribute”: followed by a panel discussion. Dedicated to Carolee Schneemann and her influence on current work being done in Boston. Curated by Jed Speare and Michelle Handelman; with performances by Heide Hatry, Theresa Byrnes and Mari Novotny-Jones; films by Lydia Eccles, Jesse Jagtiani, Michelle Handelman and Luther Price, ; followed by a panel discussion with the artists. $5 donation. At Studio Soto, 63 Melcher St, 1st Floor, Boston,, 617-426-7686.
-- Tuesday, November 20th, 8 pm: “Carolee Schneemann: a film tribute night” featuring Schneemann’s “Fuses”, “Plumbline”, and “Kitch’s Last Meal”. Shown and introduced by Saul Levine. $4 donation. At Mass. College of Art, MassArt Film Society, Screening Room 1, East Hall, 621 Huntington Ave., Boston,, 617-879-7441.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Check out our final shows!
* October 25 thru October 28: "Jim Morris and the Presidential Follies of 2008"
* October 27 and October 28: "Jimmy Tingle for President"
* Saturday, October 27 at 4 PM: The John "Jay" Clark Memorial Comedy Show
Find out what's happening at our theater!
* Last chance to taste our Redbones Buffet!
* We still have Reserved Parking!
* Get dinner discounts with out tickets at participating Davis Square restaurants.
* You can always check out the lastest posts at Blog OFF BROADWAY.
To purchase tickets:
Call TheaterMania: 1-866-811-4111 or you may buy tix 24 hrs a day online at
For more info on all events call JTOB Box Office (617) 591-1616 or visit
Jimmy Tingle's OFF BROADWAY Theater
255 Elm Street, Davis Square
Somerville, MA 02144
Gift Certificates Available
Student, Stagesource and Group Discounts available
Red Line T
* October 25 thru October 28: "Jim Morris and the Presidential Follies of 2008"
* October 27 and October 28: "Jimmy Tingle for President"
* Saturday, October 27 at 4 PM: The John "Jay" Clark Memorial Comedy Show
Find out what's happening at our theater!
* Last chance to taste our Redbones Buffet!
* We still have Reserved Parking!
* Get dinner discounts with out tickets at participating Davis Square restaurants.
* You can always check out the lastest posts at Blog OFF BROADWAY.
To purchase tickets:
Call TheaterMania: 1-866-811-4111 or you may buy tix 24 hrs a day online at
For more info on all events call JTOB Box Office (617) 591-1616 or visit
Jimmy Tingle's OFF BROADWAY Theater
255 Elm Street, Davis Square
Somerville, MA 02144
Gift Certificates Available
Student, Stagesource and Group Discounts available
Red Line T
Thursday, October 25, 2007
FALL07 - Exhibition at 13FOREST Gallery
Artist talk and Reception with Rachel E. Mello:
Thursday, October 25, 6-9 p.m., Talk at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday Nights in the Square
Exhibition Dates: October 4 - November 15, 2007
Closing Reception: Thursday, November 1 5, 6-9 p.m.
As part of 13FOREST Gallery's FALL07 show, a reception and talk with Somerville artist Rachel E. Mello will be held this Thursday, October 25 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Refreshments will be provided by Labella's Fine Foods (460 High Street, West Medford) and Medford Square Market.
FALL07, on exhibit through November 15, presents three artists whose aesthetic philosophies have developed through career changes, experimentation and chance. Also included in the show are works on canvas by Medford painter Tim Barner and drawings by Providence artist Susan Aaron.
Starting at 7:30 p.m., Mello will be discussing the tools and techniques she uses to carve and form her intricate canvases before painting them. She will also discuss how her training and her teaching have affected her painting and recently led her to experiment with making prints, some of which have never been exhibited before the show at 13FOREST. Everyone is invited to come, discuss and socialize.
For more information, please visit
13FOREST Gallery is located at 13 Forest Street, Medford Square. In addition to fine art, photography and sculpture by local artists, the gallery carries unique handcrafted gifts including jewelry, handbags, mosaics, glasswork, pottery, and its own 02155 T-shirt.
Mon-Wed, Fri 1-7, Thurs 1-8, Sat 12-5. 781.396.0092.
All events are free, as is the parking in the post office lot on Forest Street!
Artist talk and Reception with Rachel E. Mello:
Thursday, October 25, 6-9 p.m., Talk at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday Nights in the Square
Exhibition Dates: October 4 - November 15, 2007
Closing Reception: Thursday, November 1 5, 6-9 p.m.
As part of 13FOREST Gallery's FALL07 show, a reception and talk with Somerville artist Rachel E. Mello will be held this Thursday, October 25 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Refreshments will be provided by Labella's Fine Foods (460 High Street, West Medford) and Medford Square Market.
FALL07, on exhibit through November 15, presents three artists whose aesthetic philosophies have developed through career changes, experimentation and chance. Also included in the show are works on canvas by Medford painter Tim Barner and drawings by Providence artist Susan Aaron.
Starting at 7:30 p.m., Mello will be discussing the tools and techniques she uses to carve and form her intricate canvases before painting them. She will also discuss how her training and her teaching have affected her painting and recently led her to experiment with making prints, some of which have never been exhibited before the show at 13FOREST. Everyone is invited to come, discuss and socialize.
For more information, please visit
13FOREST Gallery is located at 13 Forest Street, Medford Square. In addition to fine art, photography and sculpture by local artists, the gallery carries unique handcrafted gifts including jewelry, handbags, mosaics, glasswork, pottery, and its own 02155 T-shirt.
Mon-Wed, Fri 1-7, Thurs 1-8, Sat 12-5. 781.396.0092.
All events are free, as is the parking in the post office lot on Forest Street!
SALEM OPEN STUDIOS TOUR - December 8-9, 2007
The Salem Arts Association, in cooperation with the Salem Chamber of Commerce and the City of Salem, announces the second annual Salem Open Studios Tour.
Building on the success of last year’s event, and the growing cohesiveness of the arts community here in Salem, this year’s Tour promises to be even bigger and better than last year. We have extended the event to include both Saturday, December 8th and Sunday, December 9th. In addition to securing Old Town Hall for two days, we are also
looking into securing a second space for artists and artisans who are not able to open their live/work/home studio to guests.
Our goal is to promote art of all kinds in Salem, to get people out and shopping here in the community. Just as last year, the money collected from registrations will go towards promoting the Tour and providing artists with buyers.
Get involved! Get on the tour!
All Salem based artists are encouraged to have their Live/Work/Home Studio placed on the map for this event. Studios outside the Salem City boundaries will not be included. Artists living in Salem that do not have Live/Work/Home Studio space in Salem may exhibit and sell their work in our Public Space at Old Town Hall. Non-Salem artists may participate in the public space @ Old Town Hall if space allows. Download registration form at:
Building on the success of last year’s event, and the growing cohesiveness of the arts community here in Salem, this year’s Tour promises to be even bigger and better than last year. We have extended the event to include both Saturday, December 8th and Sunday, December 9th. In addition to securing Old Town Hall for two days, we are also
looking into securing a second space for artists and artisans who are not able to open their live/work/home studio to guests.
Our goal is to promote art of all kinds in Salem, to get people out and shopping here in the community. Just as last year, the money collected from registrations will go towards promoting the Tour and providing artists with buyers.
Get involved! Get on the tour!
All Salem based artists are encouraged to have their Live/Work/Home Studio placed on the map for this event. Studios outside the Salem City boundaries will not be included. Artists living in Salem that do not have Live/Work/Home Studio space in Salem may exhibit and sell their work in our Public Space at Old Town Hall. Non-Salem artists may participate in the public space @ Old Town Hall if space allows. Download registration form at:
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
NAVE GALLERY EVENTS - October 2 - December 2, 2007
26 October 2007, 8-10 p.m., The Francisco Pais Quintet at The Nave Gallery
27 October 2007, 10:30 am-12:30 pm, "Sink Or Swim" pancake breakfast
benefit at The Nave Gallery
Donation: $8 (all-you-can-eat pancakes, plus juice, coffee, and a side of
2 November 2007, 8-10 pm, Alasdair Roberts/Charalambides/Heather Leigh
Murray at The Nave Gallery
$10. End of an Empire Presents...Alasdair Roberts, Charalambides, Heather
Leigh Murray
For event details check out:
12 October-4 November 2007, Young Turks 2 at The Nave Gallery
Gallery hours: Friday 5:00-8:00 & Saturday 1:00-5:00 & Sunday 1:00-5:
More info:
Ghost Town, Submission deadline: 20 November 2007
December Salon: An Affordable Art Sale,
Artwork Submission: 1-6 pm, SUNDAY December 2, 2007
The Nave Gallery, Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church
155 Powderhouse Boulevard, Somerville, MA 617-625-4823
If you have questions email:
27 October 2007, 10:30 am-12:30 pm, "Sink Or Swim" pancake breakfast
benefit at The Nave Gallery
Donation: $8 (all-you-can-eat pancakes, plus juice, coffee, and a side of
2 November 2007, 8-10 pm, Alasdair Roberts/Charalambides/Heather Leigh
Murray at The Nave Gallery
$10. End of an Empire Presents...Alasdair Roberts, Charalambides, Heather
Leigh Murray
For event details check out:
12 October-4 November 2007, Young Turks 2 at The Nave Gallery
Gallery hours: Friday 5:00-8:00 & Saturday 1:00-5:00 & Sunday 1:00-5:
More info:
Ghost Town, Submission deadline: 20 November 2007
December Salon: An Affordable Art Sale,
Artwork Submission: 1-6 pm, SUNDAY December 2, 2007
The Nave Gallery, Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church
155 Powderhouse Boulevard, Somerville, MA 617-625-4823
If you have questions email:
YEZERSKI GALLERY EXHIBITION - November 2 - December 18, 2007
P I C T U R E S 1 9 7 5 - 2 0 0 5
N O V E M B E R 2 - D E C E M B E R 18, 2007
DAWOUD BEY: PICTURES 1975 - 2005 will be a small survey exhibition of photographs exploring how, over the past thirty-two years, the photographer has explored the human subject. Beginning with his seminal black and white portraits made in Harlem, New York during the mid 1970s with a small hand held camera, and continuing through his recent large scale color portraits of American teenagers, the exhibition gives a sense of this artist's evolving sensibility as he explores his interest in both the photographic process and using that process to represent what he calls, "a compelling physical, emotional and psychological representation" of the human community.
The photographs in DAWOUD BEY: PICTURES, 1975-2005 range the intimate carbon pigment prints of the Harlem USA portfolio made in the 1970s, to large black and white Street Portraits from the 1980s, to large scale multiple panel Polaroid 20X24 works from the 1990s, and recent large scale C-prints with text from the "Class Pictures" project.
Born in New York, Dawoud Bey began his career as a photographer in 1975 with a series of photographs, “Harlem, USA,” that were later exhibited in his first one-person exhibition at the Studio Museum in Harlem in 1979. He has since had numerous exhibitions worldwide, at such institutions as the Art Institute of Chicago, the Barbican Centre in London, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Detroit Institute of Arts, the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, GA, the National Portrait Gallery in London, and the Whitney Museum of American Art among many others. The Walker Art Center organized a mid-career survey of his work, “Dawoud Bey: Portraits 1975-1995,” that traveled to institutions throughout the United States and Europe. A major publication of the same title was also published in conjunction with the exhibition. Aperture recently published his latest project Class Pictures in September 2007 and a traveling exhibition of this work that will tour museums throughout the country for five years. The exhibition is currently at the Addison Gallery of American Art through December 30, 2007.
Howard Yezerski Gallery
14 Newbury Street
Boston, MA 02116
617.262.0550 p
617.262.2444 f
P I C T U R E S 1 9 7 5 - 2 0 0 5
N O V E M B E R 2 - D E C E M B E R 18, 2007
DAWOUD BEY: PICTURES 1975 - 2005 will be a small survey exhibition of photographs exploring how, over the past thirty-two years, the photographer has explored the human subject. Beginning with his seminal black and white portraits made in Harlem, New York during the mid 1970s with a small hand held camera, and continuing through his recent large scale color portraits of American teenagers, the exhibition gives a sense of this artist's evolving sensibility as he explores his interest in both the photographic process and using that process to represent what he calls, "a compelling physical, emotional and psychological representation" of the human community.
The photographs in DAWOUD BEY: PICTURES, 1975-2005 range the intimate carbon pigment prints of the Harlem USA portfolio made in the 1970s, to large black and white Street Portraits from the 1980s, to large scale multiple panel Polaroid 20X24 works from the 1990s, and recent large scale C-prints with text from the "Class Pictures" project.
Born in New York, Dawoud Bey began his career as a photographer in 1975 with a series of photographs, “Harlem, USA,” that were later exhibited in his first one-person exhibition at the Studio Museum in Harlem in 1979. He has since had numerous exhibitions worldwide, at such institutions as the Art Institute of Chicago, the Barbican Centre in London, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Detroit Institute of Arts, the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, GA, the National Portrait Gallery in London, and the Whitney Museum of American Art among many others. The Walker Art Center organized a mid-career survey of his work, “Dawoud Bey: Portraits 1975-1995,” that traveled to institutions throughout the United States and Europe. A major publication of the same title was also published in conjunction with the exhibition. Aperture recently published his latest project Class Pictures in September 2007 and a traveling exhibition of this work that will tour museums throughout the country for five years. The exhibition is currently at the Addison Gallery of American Art through December 30, 2007.
Howard Yezerski Gallery
14 Newbury Street
Boston, MA 02116
617.262.0550 p
617.262.2444 f
WHAT’S WITH THE WEATHER? - October 29, 2007
Date: Monday, October 29
Time: 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Meeting Place: Maynard Ecology Center
Basement of Neville Place
650 Concord Avenue
Ever try to make sense of New England weather? Brian Rogan, from the Museum of Science, will help clear it up for us. He will discuss such topics as what causes Nor'easters, muggy weather, and our climate. There will be some simple demos to illustrate the concepts. He will also touch on climate change. Bring your questions!
Please register for each event that you plan to attend to receive important information on parking. E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at: OR call: 617-349-4793 and leave your name and phone number.
This event is FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult. Offered by Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation:
Time: 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Meeting Place: Maynard Ecology Center
Basement of Neville Place
650 Concord Avenue
Ever try to make sense of New England weather? Brian Rogan, from the Museum of Science, will help clear it up for us. He will discuss such topics as what causes Nor'easters, muggy weather, and our climate. There will be some simple demos to illustrate the concepts. He will also touch on climate change. Bring your questions!
Please register for each event that you plan to attend to receive important information on parking. E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at: OR call: 617-349-4793 and leave your name and phone number.
This event is FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult. Offered by Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation:
Friday, October 19, 2007
Date: Monday, October 22
Time: 6:00 to 7:30 pm
Meeting Place: Front Door,
Water Purification Facility
250 Fresh Pond Parkway
Learn how water that falls as rain in the western suburbs is brought to Fresh Pond and purified into drinking water for all of Cambridge. Tim MacDonald, Manager of Water Operations for the Cambridge Water Department, will describe the process, answer your questions, and give a tour of the building. This program is appropriate for adults and children over about 14.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend to receive important information on parking. E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at: OR call: 617-349-4793 and leave your name and phone number.
This event is FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult. Offered by Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation:
Time: 6:00 to 7:30 pm
Meeting Place: Front Door,
Water Purification Facility
250 Fresh Pond Parkway
Learn how water that falls as rain in the western suburbs is brought to Fresh Pond and purified into drinking water for all of Cambridge. Tim MacDonald, Manager of Water Operations for the Cambridge Water Department, will describe the process, answer your questions, and give a tour of the building. This program is appropriate for adults and children over about 14.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend to receive important information on parking. E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at: OR call: 617-349-4793 and leave your name and phone number.
This event is FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult. Offered by Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation:
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Attention Arlington, Lexington, and Somerville Artists!!
Hello artists!
* Interested in meeting fellow local artists?
* Interested in learning about a great opportunity to display your artwork?
* Interested in yummy dessert?
Please join us for an Artist Dessert and Wine Potluck - a chance to meet and socialize with local artists and eat good food!
Monday October 22, 2007
7 pm - 8:30 pm
Arlington Center for the Arts Theatre
41 Foster Street
Arlington, MA 02474
Featuring a short presentation from The Art Connection ( about displaying your artwork in and around the greater Boston area via our unique art donation and placement program.
So- you bring some goodies and The Art Connection will bring some wine, and together we'll enjoy each other's company at the Arlington Center for the Arts. Note: the meeting will take place in the theatre.
Any questions? Feel free to email at or call 617-338-7668.
All artists in all mediums are welcome. Invite your friends! But please RSVP as soon as possible so we know how many people to expect.
Looking forward to seeing you there...
-The Art Connection
Hello artists!
* Interested in meeting fellow local artists?
* Interested in learning about a great opportunity to display your artwork?
* Interested in yummy dessert?
Please join us for an Artist Dessert and Wine Potluck - a chance to meet and socialize with local artists and eat good food!
Monday October 22, 2007
7 pm - 8:30 pm
Arlington Center for the Arts Theatre
41 Foster Street
Arlington, MA 02474
Featuring a short presentation from The Art Connection ( about displaying your artwork in and around the greater Boston area via our unique art donation and placement program.
So- you bring some goodies and The Art Connection will bring some wine, and together we'll enjoy each other's company at the Arlington Center for the Arts. Note: the meeting will take place in the theatre.
Any questions? Feel free to email at or call 617-338-7668.
All artists in all mediums are welcome. Invite your friends! But please RSVP as soon as possible so we know how many people to expect.
Looking forward to seeing you there...
-The Art Connection
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Date: Sunday, October 21
Time: 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Meeting Place: Front Door,
Water Purification Facility
250 Fresh Pond Parkway
Join us for a treasure hunt to learn about the variety of strategies that plants use for dispersing their seeds. We will talk about the food value of these “treasures,” and which animals at Fresh Pond depend on them in order to survive the winter. Wear shoes for walking off-path and long pants.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend to receive important information on parking. E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at: OR call: 617-349-4793 and leave your name and phone number.
This event is FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult. Offered by Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation:
Time: 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Meeting Place: Front Door,
Water Purification Facility
250 Fresh Pond Parkway
Join us for a treasure hunt to learn about the variety of strategies that plants use for dispersing their seeds. We will talk about the food value of these “treasures,” and which animals at Fresh Pond depend on them in order to survive the winter. Wear shoes for walking off-path and long pants.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend to receive important information on parking. E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at: OR call: 617-349-4793 and leave your name and phone number.
This event is FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult. Offered by Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation:
Sunday, October 14, 2007
You're Cordially Invited to A Special Viewing of Negotiating the Irrationalities - new works by Sand T
October 20 and 21, from 12noon to 5:00pm
at artSPACE@16 in Malden
artSPACE@16 presents its 42th exhibit entitled Negotiating the Irrationalities running from October 20 through December 15. This solo exhibit consists of selected new mixed medium works by Sand T. The public is cordially invited to a special viewing of this new exhibit on Saturday, October 20 and Sunday the 21, from 12noon to 5:00pm at artSPACE@16 located at 16 Princeton Road in Malden. After the special viewing dates, the exhibit is open evenings by appointment only through December 15. Those interested should send email to to schedule a viewing appointment.
For more info visit
October 20 and 21, from 12noon to 5:00pm
at artSPACE@16 in Malden
artSPACE@16 presents its 42th exhibit entitled Negotiating the Irrationalities running from October 20 through December 15. This solo exhibit consists of selected new mixed medium works by Sand T. The public is cordially invited to a special viewing of this new exhibit on Saturday, October 20 and Sunday the 21, from 12noon to 5:00pm at artSPACE@16 located at 16 Princeton Road in Malden. After the special viewing dates, the exhibit is open evenings by appointment only through December 15. Those interested should send email to to schedule a viewing appointment.
For more info visit
Saturday, October 13, 2007
ROBOTICS FOR ARTISTS WORKSHOP - November 18 - December 16, 2007
*pre-registration required
4 Sundays
Nov. 18, Dec. 2, Dec.9, and Dec.16
Class fee: $200Materials fee: $70
Want to make art pieces that are interactive? Ready to take your kinetic works to the next level? Or just want to learn the basics of robotics?
Using the Arduino microcontroller, you will learn the parts of a robot, and how to put a moving and interactive creation together. We will identify the input options, power, programming and actuators of your creation. You'll learn the anatomy of a program, and how to get it to your robot. We will progress to the use of a breadboard and soldering to expand the capabilities of our machine. We'll also cover a brief review of basic mechanical movements. The class will culminate in an open lab where you can get help in creating your own design.
This class assumes no prior knowledge of robotics or programming. However, you should know how to use a computer. And if you have a windows or mac laptop, bring it to the class so you won't need to wait for one of our shared computers.
You'll be able to keep your robot, and reuse your microcontroller and parts for future projects. You'll also find out where to buy parts, and what the other options are on the market for "robot parts".
To sign up, email or sign up online at
Willoughby and Baltic
195g Elm Street
Davis Square
4 Sundays
Nov. 18, Dec. 2, Dec.9, and Dec.16
Class fee: $200Materials fee: $70
Want to make art pieces that are interactive? Ready to take your kinetic works to the next level? Or just want to learn the basics of robotics?
Using the Arduino microcontroller, you will learn the parts of a robot, and how to put a moving and interactive creation together. We will identify the input options, power, programming and actuators of your creation. You'll learn the anatomy of a program, and how to get it to your robot. We will progress to the use of a breadboard and soldering to expand the capabilities of our machine. We'll also cover a brief review of basic mechanical movements. The class will culminate in an open lab where you can get help in creating your own design.
This class assumes no prior knowledge of robotics or programming. However, you should know how to use a computer. And if you have a windows or mac laptop, bring it to the class so you won't need to wait for one of our shared computers.
You'll be able to keep your robot, and reuse your microcontroller and parts for future projects. You'll also find out where to buy parts, and what the other options are on the market for "robot parts".
To sign up, email or sign up online at
Willoughby and Baltic
195g Elm Street
Davis Square
Friday, October 12, 2007
Date: Saturday, October 20
Time: 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Meeting Place: Front Door,
Water Purification Facility
250 Fresh Pond Parkway
Come do some real science! Help us count and measure the loosestrife plants in the wetland at Little Fresh Pond where loosestrife-eating Galerucella beetles were released this past spring. We will compare the data we collect with the data that was collected a year ago before the beetles were released, and send you the results. The results will also be sent to the State for their database.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend to receive important information on parking. E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at: OR call: 617-349-4793 and leave your name and phone number.
This event is FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult. Offered by Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation:
Time: 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Meeting Place: Front Door,
Water Purification Facility
250 Fresh Pond Parkway
Come do some real science! Help us count and measure the loosestrife plants in the wetland at Little Fresh Pond where loosestrife-eating Galerucella beetles were released this past spring. We will compare the data we collect with the data that was collected a year ago before the beetles were released, and send you the results. The results will also be sent to the State for their database.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend to receive important information on parking. E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at: OR call: 617-349-4793 and leave your name and phone number.
This event is FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult. Offered by Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation:
Thursday, October 11, 2007
To be removed from this e-mail list, please respond with REMOVE in the subject line
John Olson, a business owner in downtown Lynn, has a space available on the first floor of his building in Central Square Lynn that he is offering to artists who may want to run a temporary co-op in the space.
The space is currently unfinished; unpainted sheetrock walls and cement floor, but has large windows on the street level, high ceilings (21 ft.) and a large amount of interior wall and floor space (2100 sq. ft.), and could support a substantial amount of work.
He is looking for a group, who, in exchange for the free use of the space, would be willing to man the space and keep it open at least four weekdays, one weekend day, and one or two evenings. He is offering the space in exchange for a 25% commission to cover his utility costs, but is willing to negotiate.
John's ultimate goal is to rent this space, so there is no set time frame on this offer.
For more information, contact John Olson directly,
John Olson, a business owner in downtown Lynn, has a space available on the first floor of his building in Central Square Lynn that he is offering to artists who may want to run a temporary co-op in the space.
The space is currently unfinished; unpainted sheetrock walls and cement floor, but has large windows on the street level, high ceilings (21 ft.) and a large amount of interior wall and floor space (2100 sq. ft.), and could support a substantial amount of work.
He is looking for a group, who, in exchange for the free use of the space, would be willing to man the space and keep it open at least four weekdays, one weekend day, and one or two evenings. He is offering the space in exchange for a 25% commission to cover his utility costs, but is willing to negotiate.
John's ultimate goal is to rent this space, so there is no set time frame on this offer.
For more information, contact John Olson directly,
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
SALEM GALLERY EXHIBITION - October 4 - November 4, 2007
Experimental Art Gallery & Studio would like to invite you to the opening reception of our October Guest Artist:
tyson schroeder
"the family curse: an unpublished work by t. schroeder"
Show Dates: October 4-November 4
Reception: Saturday October 13, 2007. 4-7pm
“the family curse…” consists of a series of 16 5x5 pencil and charcoal drawings mounted on wood with an oil glaze, giving them a translucent quality. Each drawing illustrates an allegory about ignorance of Tyson’s own. Tyson describes his style as “...Expressionist Sociology with a Surrealist twist.” “Better yet…’Cannibalistic Expressionism’ would be the most accurate description.” He has illustrated posters for several Rock bands, including Boston’s own Dresden Dolls. Tyson has also illustrated for several large newspapers, including 4 editorial illustrations for The Globe in 2006 and 2007. To see more of Tyson's work and a preview of the show, go to:
Gallery Hours: Thursday 10am-8pm, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10am-6pm, with hours expanding as the month progresses toward Halloween.
Experimental Art Gallery & Studio
24 New Derby St
Salem MA 01970
Phone: 781-439-1540
Experimental Art Gallery & Studio is located in Artist Row, at 24 New Derby Street in Salem. The Gallery is a five-minute walk from the Salem Commuter stop. Parking is available directly behind the building in Klop Alley.
tyson schroeder
"the family curse: an unpublished work by t. schroeder"
Show Dates: October 4-November 4
Reception: Saturday October 13, 2007. 4-7pm
“the family curse…” consists of a series of 16 5x5 pencil and charcoal drawings mounted on wood with an oil glaze, giving them a translucent quality. Each drawing illustrates an allegory about ignorance of Tyson’s own. Tyson describes his style as “...Expressionist Sociology with a Surrealist twist.” “Better yet…’Cannibalistic Expressionism’ would be the most accurate description.” He has illustrated posters for several Rock bands, including Boston’s own Dresden Dolls. Tyson has also illustrated for several large newspapers, including 4 editorial illustrations for The Globe in 2006 and 2007. To see more of Tyson's work and a preview of the show, go to:
Gallery Hours: Thursday 10am-8pm, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10am-6pm, with hours expanding as the month progresses toward Halloween.
Experimental Art Gallery & Studio
24 New Derby St
Salem MA 01970
Phone: 781-439-1540
Experimental Art Gallery & Studio is located in Artist Row, at 24 New Derby Street in Salem. The Gallery is a five-minute walk from the Salem Commuter stop. Parking is available directly behind the building in Klop Alley.
CAMBRIDGE GALLERY EXHIBITION - October 12 - November 30, 2007
The Sacramento Street Gallery presents: Small Works Show 2007
Cambridge Artists Support the Maud Morgan Visual Arts Center Building Fund.
This exhibition showcases 48 Cambridge-based artists some who work or live in Somerville and celebrates the breadth and variety of work by artists living and
working in the area. These small works are sized approximately 12² by 12² and
prices range from $150 to $3,000. Proceeds benefit the creation of the Maud
Morgan Visual Arts Center. The Center will provide children and practicing artists throughout Cambridge with programs and workspace. Half of the proceeds of the Small
Works Show will benefit the Art Center Building Fund
Please join us for the opening reception on Friday, October 12 from 5:00- 8:00 PM. Light refreshments will be served.
Sacramento St Gallery
20 Sacramento St
Cambridge, MA 02138
617 349 6287
Gallery Hours: M - F, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturdays Noon - 5:00 PM
Cambridge Artists Support the Maud Morgan Visual Arts Center Building Fund.
This exhibition showcases 48 Cambridge-based artists some who work or live in Somerville and celebrates the breadth and variety of work by artists living and
working in the area. These small works are sized approximately 12² by 12² and
prices range from $150 to $3,000. Proceeds benefit the creation of the Maud
Morgan Visual Arts Center. The Center will provide children and practicing artists throughout Cambridge with programs and workspace. Half of the proceeds of the Small
Works Show will benefit the Art Center Building Fund
Please join us for the opening reception on Friday, October 12 from 5:00- 8:00 PM. Light refreshments will be served.
Sacramento St Gallery
20 Sacramento St
Cambridge, MA 02138
617 349 6287
Gallery Hours: M - F, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturdays Noon - 5:00 PM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Wine and Cheese reception on October 18th from 5-8 pm.
Jennifer Pierce
180 Cabot St
Beverly MA 01915
Jennifer Pierce
180 Cabot St
Beverly MA 01915
GOSPEL CONCERT - November 2-3, 2007
The Follow Hymn Interfaith Choir will be celebrating its seventh year anniversary by performing in a concert entitled Raisin The Praise. Singers from the North Shore, including members from Lynn, Swampscott, Topsfield, Marblehead, Beverly, and Danvers will perform at the Zion Baptist Church in Lynn on Friday, November 2, 2007 and Saturday, November 3, 2007 at 8pm.
Tickets for adults are $20 in advance and $23 at the door. Children under 12 years old are $10 at the door. Additional information may be found on line at To reserve tickets, call Virginia Peacock-Makkers at 781-953-1849.
The Follow Hymn Music Ministries has a mission of bridging communities using music as the universal language. Over the past seven years the choir has held several Coffee House performances at Lynn Arts. They also have had an annual Gospel and Jazz Brunch at Angelica’s in Danvers. For the past four years the choir has performed at the Martin Luther King Day Diversity celebration at the Danversport Yacht Club.
The Follow Hymn Music Ministries is committed to promoting cultural enrichment, spiritual uplifting, multicultural education and community experience utilizing gospel, spiritual and inspirational music. It is also committed to using the power of music through song, movement and spoken word as a tool to bridge cultural gaps and provide greater understanding and awareness of all people. The Follow Hymn Interfaith Choir itself is made of men and women from a diverse set of religions and ethnicities that join together in song. Members come from Lynn, Swampscott, Marblehead, Topsfield, Salem and other North Shore Communities.
Alvah Parker
Practice Advisor and Career Coach
Parker Associates
Working with you to make your career fulfilling and profitable!
Tickets for adults are $20 in advance and $23 at the door. Children under 12 years old are $10 at the door. Additional information may be found on line at To reserve tickets, call Virginia Peacock-Makkers at 781-953-1849.
The Follow Hymn Music Ministries has a mission of bridging communities using music as the universal language. Over the past seven years the choir has held several Coffee House performances at Lynn Arts. They also have had an annual Gospel and Jazz Brunch at Angelica’s in Danvers. For the past four years the choir has performed at the Martin Luther King Day Diversity celebration at the Danversport Yacht Club.
The Follow Hymn Music Ministries is committed to promoting cultural enrichment, spiritual uplifting, multicultural education and community experience utilizing gospel, spiritual and inspirational music. It is also committed to using the power of music through song, movement and spoken word as a tool to bridge cultural gaps and provide greater understanding and awareness of all people. The Follow Hymn Interfaith Choir itself is made of men and women from a diverse set of religions and ethnicities that join together in song. Members come from Lynn, Swampscott, Marblehead, Topsfield, Salem and other North Shore Communities.
Alvah Parker
Practice Advisor and Career Coach
Parker Associates
Working with you to make your career fulfilling and profitable!
Friday, October 05, 2007
Date: Saturday, October 13
Time: 8:00 to 10:00 am
Meeting Place: Neville Place Driveway, 650 Concord Avenue
We will look for migrating songbirds and waterfowl that have stopped to rest and feed at the Reservation while heading south for the winter. Beginners are welcome! We have binoculars to lend and will show you how to use them.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend to receive important information on parking. E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at: OR call: 617-349-4793 and leave your name and phone number.
This event is FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult. Offered by Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation:
Time: 8:00 to 10:00 am
Meeting Place: Neville Place Driveway, 650 Concord Avenue
We will look for migrating songbirds and waterfowl that have stopped to rest and feed at the Reservation while heading south for the winter. Beginners are welcome! We have binoculars to lend and will show you how to use them.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend to receive important information on parking. E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at: OR call: 617-349-4793 and leave your name and phone number.
This event is FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult. Offered by Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation:
Applications are now being accepted by the Lynn Cultural Council (LCC) for arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences projects taking place during the 2008 calendar year. Individuals and organizations wishing to apply have until October 15 to submit applications for either general funding or for PASS funding. PASS is a program designed to send local students (K-12) to performances, museums, and other cultural events outside of school.
The LCC, of which the LynnArts, Inc. Grants Committee is a part, is a program of the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC), a state agency. The MCC provides allocations to each of Massachusetts’ 351 cities and towns to support cultural activities. This is largest program of its kind in the United States and provides funding for arts at the grass roots level. Grants range from $200 to $2000, though most awards are between $200 and $500.
To learn more about this program and to obtain application forms, please visit the MCC website:, or contact Jennifer Ashworth at LynnArts, Inc., 781-598-5244.
The LCC, of which the LynnArts, Inc. Grants Committee is a part, is a program of the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC), a state agency. The MCC provides allocations to each of Massachusetts’ 351 cities and towns to support cultural activities. This is largest program of its kind in the United States and provides funding for arts at the grass roots level. Grants range from $200 to $2000, though most awards are between $200 and $500.
To learn more about this program and to obtain application forms, please visit the MCC website:, or contact Jennifer Ashworth at LynnArts, Inc., 781-598-5244.
hey so, my film Blood of the Earthworm is playing at the Coolidge this Sunday, the 7th at 10:15pm as part of the New England Film & Video Festival:
i cannot attend this screening myself so it's a perfect opportunity for those of you who don't want to have to look me in the eye afterwards or for those who have already seen it, you have the chance to scavenge the earthworm's confounding remains for more clues
it will be shown on 16mm in the little screening room
i cannot attend this screening myself so it's a perfect opportunity for those of you who don't want to have to look me in the eye afterwards or for those who have already seen it, you have the chance to scavenge the earthworm's confounding remains for more clues
it will be shown on 16mm in the little screening room
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
EAT FOOD FOR ART - October 6-13, 2007
The Berwick's Public Art Incubator and the ArtsUnion (Somerville Arts Council) Present YUM Local(e) at Project YUM!
It's Food for Thought. It's Art You Eat. It's a Participatory Potluck!
WHAT: Come eat your art out at the YUM Local(e) Station, part of Project YUM, a delicious afternoon where food and art intersect!
WHERE: Union Square, Somerville
WHEN: October 13th, 3-6pm (come early for the Farmers Market, 9am - 1pm!)
WHY: You like free food don't you? Well, what about free art that you help create?
EXTRA BONUS: This event is free and open to the public!
From 3-6pm on Saturday October 13th, PAI's Meet Me At The Table invites you to be both a chef and a storyteller for the day!
How? It's as easy as pie! Just bring a dish of "local food" and its story to share! You are welcome to either prepare the dish yourself or pick up something at the Project YUM festival. Come early to buy your fresh produce at the Saturday Farmers Market, from 9am-1pm and other ingredients at the many local ethnic markets nearby!
CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS! YUM volunteers will flavor the discussion and conduct interviews with willing participants about food, memory, and place.
Farmers Market YUM!HOW YOU CAN HELP!
We need hungry people! More specifically we need people hungry for conversation to be our YUM Local(e) conversation cookers.
Help us spread the word at the Union Square Farmers Market on the following Saturday mornings: October 6th and October 13th.
It's Food for Thought. It's Art You Eat. It's a Participatory Potluck!
WHAT: Come eat your art out at the YUM Local(e) Station, part of Project YUM, a delicious afternoon where food and art intersect!
WHERE: Union Square, Somerville
WHEN: October 13th, 3-6pm (come early for the Farmers Market, 9am - 1pm!)
WHY: You like free food don't you? Well, what about free art that you help create?
EXTRA BONUS: This event is free and open to the public!
From 3-6pm on Saturday October 13th, PAI's Meet Me At The Table invites you to be both a chef and a storyteller for the day!
How? It's as easy as pie! Just bring a dish of "local food" and its story to share! You are welcome to either prepare the dish yourself or pick up something at the Project YUM festival. Come early to buy your fresh produce at the Saturday Farmers Market, from 9am-1pm and other ingredients at the many local ethnic markets nearby!
CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS! YUM volunteers will flavor the discussion and conduct interviews with willing participants about food, memory, and place.
Farmers Market YUM!HOW YOU CAN HELP!
We need hungry people! More specifically we need people hungry for conversation to be our YUM Local(e) conversation cookers.
Help us spread the word at the Union Square Farmers Market on the following Saturday mornings: October 6th and October 13th.
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.